Posts by ozzyjimbob

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    This may be a little deranged, but i was thinking of some kind of option to collect legs, heads etc from animals and monsters, and put them onto posts. A bit like the effegies on 'The Forest'.
    This would be a good idea for enemies. You could defeat a certain monster (say the zombie dog thing) and put its head on a post, to deter enemies of a lower level than the enemy defeated. It could be a weird way of protecting your camp. There could also be some higher tiered enemies who are immune to this feature and have to be defeated in a different way.
    I would also like to see features like a wooden mount, so that you can mount enemy heads in a trophy room, along with other cool loot.
    Just a little thought.....

    I wonder if there are any plans for decorative corner blocks, stairs etc. I (for some reason) had thoughts of a gargoyle block, which is slightly 3d on one side, so you can place it onto buildings, and create decorative features. There could even be a few different expressions selectable with the arrow feature on the block creation screen.
    This could fall into the modern era stuff as well though, so you could have decorative cylinder 'blocks' for porches ( with ivy growing up?) just more detailed blocks.
    I absolutely love the textures of the existing blocks and things, but think maybe they deserve to be taken a little further perhaps. judging by how the devs are just crunching away at the updates, i have confidence that something similar is planned anyroad.

    I always saw the two coming hand in hand. The mage/wizard/magician has the inner skill, but they make a connection with the wand, and it is the wand which allows them to use their inner skill/powers in the physical world. It wouldn't be just another ranged weapon if you could do something interesting with a wand, like summon weird minions or something. There could be spell pages hidden in the world.
    Well, i guess there are a million ways of looking at it aren't there....

    Just a suggestion IF magic is added to rising world. I kind of hope not, as it seems to be very problematic, but i was thinking it would be nice to have actual wands, rather than the character firing ice from their hands or whatever. It really irritated me when that happened in skyrim. No wand, just whoosh! Ice from your hands. I think it would be cool to have different grades of wand depending upon your skill, and the higher tiered wands could be made from more difficult-to-obtain resources. (perhaps from hostiles).

    I think that there should be something a little different from,say, warewolves, fairies, abominable snowmen etc. I think it would be really great for the devs to work on something entirely different, like have a diseased biome or something, where the animals are all rotten and deranged.
    The 'monsters' dotted around could also be a mixture of existing animal parts to create something new, but without it looking really stupid. I think the devs could do a really awesome job of creating their own unique creatures, instead of being inspired by other games.

    I think that's a really interesting idea. Other players would be like, "where the hell did they go?" and you'd be chuckling to yourself from the hidden doorway.Ha! It opens up new ideas for sure.

    Isn't that what makes the pickaxe so useful? it lets you keep the mined resources. Explosives would just obliterate everything in their path and leave you with nothing but darkness and ringing ears. Haa!
    Personally, i don't see mining as a hindrance. Tap tap tap crunch. tap tap tap crunch. It's kind of nice once you get going. Especially when you're thinking of the finished product.

    I think it would be interesting to have some kind of phychological element to the characters, so that as the character encounters monsters, (presuming there will be a hell with horrific 'things' shambling about) it affects the character in some way. perhaps when you sleep in your bed, you get nightmares, and it interrupts your sleep, causing your stamina bar to fall faster when sprinting etc. It could also have an ongoing effect, so if you do nothing about it, it causes your character to control differently as they begin to go a little mad. I think it would add even more realism to this already wonderful game. I don't think it should lead to actual character death or anything, just something of a challenge. It would be perfect for survival mode.

    Why not have an option for the bones from ribs to return to our inventory after eating? Then have some items craftable from them, or have them as an element in building something bigger?
    It would also be really nice if ribs stacked. One rib per inventory space is pretty harsh don't you think? yikes!

    Personally, i think it looks like a full moon all of the time at night. It would be nice to see most nights darker, then the light at the moment restricted to a full moon night. I just don't think that the flashlight and torches achieve their full potential outdoors. What do people think? I also hope that the devs are going to create a huge moon when they work on the sky. that would really set things off.

    I would love to see an in-game character journal, perhaps if there is a proper time system implemented. It could log the in-game time and day as you begin to write, and It could have a personalize option, so you can choose the text style. The paper type also changes depending upon which materials are used to make the pages. Obviously i am thinking for the far future, but it would be cool.

    how cool would it be to have a drafting table (or maybe even just the furnace) where you can plan unique armour sets and maybe even weapons. I would love to have that freedom. Whether it can be done or not is another issue altogether though isn't it. I just chuckled to myself thinking about all of the mad gear players could create. the oversized swords, the crazy-looking armour. haaa! it would be soooo much fun.

    i think that one solution to the ore in a world running out is having it respawn, but somewhere else. so, say you mine some ore in a cave in the forest biome, it begins respawning in an entirely different biome. Of course, i am really hoping that the guys add in the ability to jump between worlds, because that would be absolutely awesome, and so interesting.

    why can't the world just be surrounded by ocean, and if we can sail eventually, the sea gets really rough the farther you get, then eventaully tips your boat?
    And the height issue could be wind related, or cold. so that if you try to fly a hot air baloon really high or something, it begins to freeze?
    I think that having the world endless is something which will cause too many problems...The world is large enough for me as it is. who is going to cover the entire world in their builds anyroad?

    i was thinking about the disagreements we all had about monsters and realism. What if, mushrooms give you hallucinations, and they are very dependant upon what your character remembers,so, if you kill a town member, then days later eat one of these bad mushrooms, then you see dead people coming after you or something. I think it would be a bizarre twist if people want all that weirdy scaredy stuff.

    Thinking about how ores and armour is going to be added in
    to the game, i thought about how it would be pretty interesting to have,say, a helm with small eyeholes really restricting your view, making adventuring that bit more immersive. i would really feel like i were wearing things if they actually affected my character. Maybe heavy armour could make the character move slower and heavy boots make a clanking sound when you walk? Proper tin man style. Hee hee.

    I think it would be pretty awesome for every creature/ enemy to drop some kind of file, which tells you a little bit of where they originate, and the behaviour etc. This would open up lots of options for lore. Maybe even have them lying aroud out in the world, hidden in really clever places? They could even be combined like pages in a book when you collect more than one of them at a time. This could even extend to plants and trees.

    I think certain objects in the environment should attract predators, such as when you're cooking meat, they come to check it out, and if you're chopping wood nearby, they are woken by the noise. realistic stuff like that. As for monsters, it's a real challenge in a game like this, but something that merges in with the terrain might be pretty cool. Not sure what though. some kind of deformed tree?