Other Players Invisible Using a texture pack

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  • Hi Red51

    I am working on the Prehistoric mod for Rising World and released a texture pack for the mod.
    I have been advised by sharkbitefischer that when he used my texture pack playing in a multi player server it makes all other players invisible.

    Is there anything I can do my end to fix this?


    Modded Rising World 2024

    Now running : 100 Player Game Server With My New Modded Rising World

  • Hmm... I wasn't able to reproduce this issue... Since your texture pack doesn't even touch the player textures, I see no reason why players would turn invisible by using it 8|
    Probably it's something else, so it's not related to the texture pack.

  • Ok I retested this and it is working fine. Players are showing while the texture pack is installed with no problem. There must have been something else happening, lag or something else, the other night. I swear it was happening. All works ok now for some reason lol.

  • Glad to see it is working for you......

    Hmm... I wasn't able to reproduce this issue... Since your texture pack doesn't even touch the player textures, I see no reason why players would turn invisible by using it 8|
    Probably it's something else, so it's not related to the texture pack.

    Thanks for looking into it...... I couldn't see any way the textures would turn players invisible.
    Happy to see sharkbitefischer has it working on the server.

    Modded Rising World 2024

    Now running : 100 Player Game Server With My New Modded Rising World

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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