little bugs since today's update: Missing coal, anvil, and turn around

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  • So hey! just a few little things I've noticed since todays update, nothing game breaking but I thought they were worth mentioning :)

    1. All the coal I had gathered was gone lol. (I think the shape of coal was changed? so maybe that has something to do with it)

    2. My anvil was also gone.

    3. When opening a workbench, or storage unit like a chest or barrel, I end up facing in some random direction once I close it.

    Again, nothing game breaking but just thought I'd say.

    Also really good job on the update Red. love it! :D

  • 1. All the coal I had gathered was gone lol. (I think the shape of coal was changed? so maybe that has something to do with it)
    2. My anvil was also gone.

    Hmm... there must be another reason why these items are missing now. We didn't touch the world generation (or world saving/loading process) for this update... when did you lost these items exactly? Was the anvil placed in the world, or stored in a chest? Do you play in singleplayer or multiplayer?
    When placing something in your world, make sure to wait a few seconds before quitting the game (otherwise there is unfortunately a chance that the latest changes does not get saved properly).

    About the coal icon: Actually it's rendered during runtime, so it's slightly different everytime you start the game ^^

    3. When opening a workbench, or storage unit like a chest or barrel, I end up facing in some random direction once I close it.

    That's strange 8| Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce this issue :( Do you run any plugins?

    Also, there's a chance your screen may be unresponsive when hitting the ` key next the 1 & under the esc button.

    IIRC I saw a report about that some time ago, but unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce this issue... I can imagine this is caused by our mechanism to suppress the dead key (so the ` does not show up in console)... in the new version, we will handle this differently (but I'm not sure if we can incorporate these changes into the old version)...
    However, if this issue is getting annoying, you could try to open the file in the game directory and set "game_console_robot" to false (this setting was just added with the latest hotfix), this may solve the problem ;)

    The triangle plank also has its ID number into the rotation window.

    Oh, we just released a small hotfix which changes that :saint:

  • ___

    Ah! Well, It was placed for some time in my cave before i exited the game because I went out later that night to try and find some Bandits lol. But not to worry! I just used console to spawn back what was missing, seemed fair to me :)

    Anyway, even though console commands fixed the issue, I just thought I'd mention it because it seemed like something worth mentioning <3

    and i didnt even realise that about the coal. hah!
    Well, i guess the case of the missing items will remain a mystery for now hahaha!


    Also huh... that is strange I mean, it doesnt happen every time, but i dont remember it happening at all before that update. curioser and curioser. I dont use any plugins or mods, I'm very happy with the game as it is and want to go as far as i can before even thinking about that stuff. Also a lot of the moddy stuff feels like things that will be added in future updates anyway and im willing to wait for the real deal!

    All Good Red, thanks so much for your reply, it's really sweet of you. Love your game so much!

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