Can not play multiserver for more than 10 min at a time

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  • I have read all the posts and did everything they said to do, I have updated my Graphics drivers, OP system, Java, I have manually added the game to my graphics cards list of safe programs, I have ran it on administrator mode and I have ran my computer on safe mode. I have restarted my computer (several times). It happen every time I try and play on a server and it doesn't matter what I am doing or just doing nothing but after 10 min (I have timed it) I get the fallowing error. I can click on the ok button and still move but I can not interact with anything in the world (dig, build, open anything) I can play on single player fine with no problems.???

    Client Error Occurred Error Reading form Connection to :/

    Here is the error log:
    Error details: java.util.ConcurrentModificationExceptionjava.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)java.util.ArrayList$ Source)de.jiw.gui.core.Element.transferUpdateTick( Source)

    my system info is:
    Processor: AMD FX4300 Quad Core
    RAM: 16gb
    OP: Windows 7 64-bit
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti

    If you need any other information just let me know, or if you have any suggestions, any help would be most welcome.

    Thanks much


  • I've done every fix known too man,to alleviate this issue but to no avail.......I'm now convinced this is game(or server file) related....the way/how it connects must be different from every other game i own. I'm even playing cod online.......all the way in china(china servers) and i don't lose my connection....i'd also like to know if anyone using the non-steam version is having this problem.

  • Here is the error log:
    Error details: java.util.ConcurrentModificationExceptionjava.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)

    Does this errorlog relate to the disconnect? We fixed that error, at least I hope so, since the error is barely reproducible. The fix will be available with the next update ;)
    Otherwise you should make sure that there is no other firewall or anti virus program blocking the connection.
    We will also rework the network code in February, that should fix all other disconnect errors (or at least make it clearer what's the cause).

    I've done every fix known too man,to alleviate this issue but to no avail.......I'm now convinced this is game(or server file) related....the way/how it connects must be different from every other game i own. I'm even playing cod online.......all the way in china(china servers) and i don't lose my connection....i'd also like to know if anyone using the non-steam version is having this problem.

    It would be interesting to know if this issue is also occurring with the standalone. Main difference is, that the steam version starts a separate java process. Some anti virus programs seem to have problems with that. What antivirus program do you use?

  • Check the exact time it takes for you to disconnect Turbo, if its every 10, 15, min to the exact second it would be on your side the problem,
    think i have mentionned here before that i had a same issue last or few years ago with a different game! Problem was on my side too...

    Had a problem witch was disconnecting me to do it's business(I do not remember witch program sorry!) But maybe was the Windows program
    witch was opening to see if i still had internet connection....

  • I deactivated everything I can think of my firewalls, Antivirus, windows task manager, and a slew of other things I could think of and still having the problem, I am thinking that it must be a glitch between Steam and the Game. As most of the posts I have read seem to be mostly Steam users. I am looking into Steam to see if there is something that would trigger every 10 min or so. But thanks to everyone for all the help. it Much appreciated.

  • We will rework the network code this month ;) Then it should have a better handling when the connection gets lost (currently it seems that even a small interruption causes the connection to close). Or - at least - it will give proper information if the connection was blocked by a firewall etc.

  • @Turbo614 what OS you have? Sorry if you posted it somewhere else.. Mine is windows 7 pro 64bit. If yours is windows 7 64bit also, it seems to be the only common thing between our systems and @Xandernight.

    @Killem, what is yours?

    I am back on Windows 8 buddy, so it's not our windows factor theory...

    If at least it would be constant it might just help and identify this loosing connection problem....

    Yesterday was 1 of the worst day for loosing connection, would not be to bad to loose connection if we didn't need to re-enter:
    "Setgametype 1" every time we log back in or the fact that we need to clear our tools out of our hands before turning on our
    Headlight... "L"

    Like i mentionned few time before, last year i had a similar lost of connection problem, and managed to stop the problem
    when i was playing "Space Engineer".... Could it be the program witch check our Ping?? If not it would be close to this
    or a running program that need to check if we have internet connection.......

  • Hi Back :)
    Was hoping that I would have good news after the update but it is still doing the same thing. But I did have something interesting happen I don' t know if it helps or not and I don't know what button I pushed but I got a graph in the lower right corner of my screen it had several lines one it and I guessed that it was some sort of memory graph so I left it up to see what happened when it crashed and it the 10 min mark as usual it crashed and all the lines spiked, it looked like some one having a heart attack :) if I could have given CPR I would have. Don't know if that helps or not but I thought I would pass it along. Still love the game and having a blast. :)


  • It was. It was sad to watch !! But seriously is there anything else I can do to help or try? is the bug unique to Steam users? if it is, is there a way to run the game without Steam? Thanks for all your hard work, the update is awesome.


  • you can't run the game w out some steam interaction but you can right click the game in your steam library and click add shortcut to desktop then run the game that way.avoiding opening the steam app that way.

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