Ore Detector and other configs

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  • Five questions:

    (1)First of all, is there anyway at all I can edit the Ore Detector to find coal? Not sure if this is a bug, but coal does not get detected by the ore detector!

    (2)Secondly, is there any way that I could minimize ore smelting time? (Update: I found out that I can not)

    (3)And what is the limitations of editing files? In more simple terms: what can I edit, and what can I not edit?

    (4)What are the limitations on mod making? In simple terms: what kind of modS can Mod developers make for this game and what kind of mods can’t they make. And what I mean by can’t make, would be, for example a custom item. Either a custom building block, or tool.

    (5) Is it possible to change the Amount of ore you get when when you mine a ore node? Yes, you can make larger veins Via world generation settings, but I wanna know if you can get more out of the ore when you mine it.

  • 1. As far as I am aware coal is not an ore so the Ore Detector not being able to find coal makes sense. Coal is neither a mineral or rock comprised of minerals. Coal is actually composed of macerals which is the organic equivalent of minerals.

    2. Okay you have done it! :P

    3. The main files you want to edit are the database files and some JAR files. There are a lot of topics on this very subject on the forums. The Plugin Discussion forum would be my go to place.

    4. Limitations are only to your imagination - and of course the API - https://javadoc.rising-world.net/

    5. Yes, you could probably do this via the API. I would suggest you look at the PlayerDestroyTerrainEvent there is a method in there called getTerrainID

    public int getTerrainID()
    //Gets the terrain id the player is going to destroy.
    //the old terrain id.

    You could then work out if the terrain was an ore and then add extra ore to the players inventory (if they have space!).

  • If you want coal to be recognized as ore by the ore detector, you have to change the game code. It's possible, but a bit complicated, especially due to obfuscation. The compiled ore detector class (which contains a list of all recognizable ores) is named h.class in the ab package (inside the "risingworld-core.jar"). You'll need a decompiler to open it. Basically you just have to add "coal" to the string array (and hash map inside the static constructor, with the according id [15]).

    However, updating a .class file is a bit more complicated. You'll need to extract and decompile the whole .jar and add the required dependencies (almost every other jar file you can find in the game folder) in order to recompile it.

    Another way could be to create a clientside plugin, then try to access and modify the class in question via reflection. Not sure if this works in this particular case though :thinking:

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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