Come Join NeverWinterx(PVE)and neverwinter2(pvp) server's

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  • rule 3 No harassing other players. you were asked to stop. would have been 24 hours ban. until you come on here wanting to argue about it.


    Okay nochmal alles vom Anfang.

    Ich kam in den Server rein, hab mir ihn angeschaut. Sah ein Spieler und habe auf ihn geschossen, weil ich wusste es gab Protection. Nachdem ich ihn angeschossen habe, hat er zurück geschossen und NICHTS gesagt. Bin dann weiter gegangen um mir den Server weiter anzuschauen, weil erster Eindruck und so. Dann sah ich ein Haus, dass ich mir von außen angesehen habe, leider waren die Türen zu. Ich fragte dann ganz höfflich ob der Admin mir die Tür öffnen könnte, weil ich es von innen sehen wollte macht irgendwie sinn oder? Naja dann kurze zeit später wo ich mir den Chat angelesen habe, merkte ich das alle was gegen mich hatten ohne Grund. Und bevor ich es überhaupt durch lesen konnte, wurde ich direkt gebannt ohne mich selber zu verteidigen.

    und jetzt will ich deine Story hören, was du glaubst was geschehen ist.

    Eng: (i translate it with google because i dont want to waste to much time for that)

    Okay everything from the beginning.

    I came into the server and looked at it. Saw a player and shot him because I knew there was protection. After I shot him, he shot back and said NOTHING. Then I went on to look at the server, because first impression and such. Then I saw a house that I looked at from the outside, unfortunately the doors were closed. I then asked politely if the admin could open the door for me because I wanted to see it from the inside, makes sense, doesn't it? Well then a short time later when I was reading the chat, I noticed that everyone was against me for no reason. And before I could even read it through, I was banned straight away without defending myself.

    And now i want to hear you story how you think it was.

  • You cannot join a server and shoot another player. If he could die or not, this is no friendly behavior and a kick follows in 98 % immediately. In your case you aren't allowed to look behind a closed door. I'm very interested in our players buildings, interior and floor plan. I use to fly to see how a building is build. But if I'm not allowed to visit a building inside I have to except server rules and I'm not going to run Amok. Why should I? Every server has it's own rules. If one admin will not allow it, come again and ask again later. You will not find a server without kicking you, if you're not willing to respect their rules. If you attack another player, nobody will accept such a behavior. Think about it, if you would like that. It's not two friends who shoot each other, it was a strange person who shoots rampages around.

  • Deirdre you talking like its the real life dude chill its a game where you have fun OOHHH NMOOOOO i shoot someone with arrows ohh noo what a shame no he will not have kids and a future like for real broo it is just toxic from the admin i litteraly did nothing and he just ban me instant and just saying i am a griefer make no sense i litteraly did NOTHIG no grief no spam chat or bad language and i ASK ONES only ONES for letting me in like how toxic can someone be

  • You cannot join a server and shoot another player. If he could die or not, this is no friendly behavior and a kick follows in 98 % immediately. In your case you aren't allowed to look behind a closed door. I'm very interested in our players buildings, interior and floor plan. I use to fly to see how a building is build. But if I'm not allowed to visit a building inside I have to except server rules and I'm not going to run Amok. Why should I? Every server has it's own rules. If one admin will not allow it, come again and ask again later. You will not find a server without kicking you, if you're not willing to respect their rules. If you attack another player, nobody will accept such a behavior. Think about it, if you would like that. It's not two friends who shoot each other, it was a strange person who shoots rampages around.

    :thumbup: thank you

  • james1bow

    Changed the title of the thread from “come join neverwinter server” to “Come Join NeverWinterx(PVE)and neverwinter2(pvp) server's”.

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