Realistic inventory

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  • Hi,

    I do realize how much of a radical concept this is and understand it's not much viable as a real suggestion. Here goes nevertheless.

    I noticed many people consider immersion a vary important part of the experience. I always wondered how the ability to carry hundreds of items, tons of materials, doesn't completely break it.

    So why not use a more or less realistic inventory? Of course, the game must remain playable. You can't cut a tree down, pick 2 logs up, run to your base, run back for another 2, rinse and repeat.

    The answer would be transport chains. Let's use the cut tree scenario.

    At your base, you place a Logs storage marker. You go out on exploration and find the perfect tree to fill up your warehouse. You cut it down create logs and mark the area as logs pickup. Ideally, some NPC would form the transportation job, and bring the logs to your warehouse. The speed depends on your progress. By hand in early stages, horse carts later and maybe trucks in the late game.

    If NPC simulation turns out to be too complicated, I believe logs slowly disappearing at the pickup and appearing at the storage would do just fine.

    Now each machine would have a range. If the resources required for production are to be found within the range, they are used automatically. Also, you can manually exclude certain resources from auto-usage. Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries anyone?

  • You wouldn't have to. You would only need to make sure the materials are near enough. You would have the same inventory view as now, only it would show materials available in the range, not materials on you.

  • Valheim's carts are the obvious way to go: limited personal inventory weight but a cart you pull (which obviously makes you slower) that can carry substantially more.

    Check out videos on Youtube,

    I absolutely don't like valheims approach. The devs didn't really have a concept of what to do so they just made everything more difficult and grindy and called it "immersive" or Design choice.

    Yes, the game has good sides but it's really way below the hype it benefits from currently.

    Graphic... Poor due to cost /optic relation.. Called design choice

    Building... Simple with modules.. Made more grindy by capping the available tool/progress and binding to player to a work bench.

    Survival... I like the food system. Its simple, though getting grindy if you want to keep your health up all the time to be prepared for attacks

    Exploration... Extremely simple.. Called intentional by capping the next biomes to reach with these so called bosses.

    Sorry for getting off topic.

    I don't mind having a smaller inventory and expanding it with bags, backpack, etc

    Even for really huge loads a cart, which is confirmed anyways.

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