NPC clothes and weapons

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  • Hello, I have been on a couple servers where I have seen Bandits wearing normal clothes or using flashlights instead of torches. Can someone inform us how that is done? I would love to customize a bandit. Thanks.

  • get close and point at it and editnpc in the terminal. the window will open. For hostiles be in creative mode as admin for protection. Also NPC will spawn with the cloths you are wearing at the time I believe. Am not positive how to change bandits cloths. Am not positive how to change weapons either, other then spawnnpc bandit1. bandit2. bandit3 when spawning. What you are holding might spawn with the NPC, I haven't tried.

  • editnpcclothes (alone with no arguments will strip the NPC to underwear)

    editnpcclothes militaryhelmet militarypants militaryboots (will change clothes to just helmet, pants and boots for example)

    (Use any clothes/armor/costume type or combination you want)

    givenpcitem flashlight (will give NPC a flashlight which it will start using)

    givenpcitem musket (will give NPC a musket which it will use and start shooting if it is a bandit or skeleton NPC)

    (Equip NPC with any tool or weapon of your choice)

    editnpc (will bring up in game GUI to edit NPC name, change the sex, hair style, eye color, lock or unlock etc)

    getnpchere (while pointing at, or entering the NPC ID, will move that NPC to your location)

    spawnnpc dummy (spawns non hostile dummy NPC wearing same clothes as yourself)

    spawnnpc bandit (spawns hostile NPC dressed in traditional bandit clothing, random melee, torch or archer)

    spawnnpc skeleton ((1-5) - example - spawnnpc skeleton 5 will spawn in a samurai skeleton)

    setnpcinvincible (1 or 0) (1 = on 0 = off)

    Tips: if you lock a bandit or skeleton, it will not attack, even when provoked. You can try caging a hostile UNlocked bandit which usually works (as a defensive 'sentry') but they may escape at some point due to lag hiccup or poorly built cage. I find some materials work better than others. Bannister 2x2 cage rails seems to hold them best but allowing them to shoot (unlike blocks or solid walls which will prevent hostile from attacking unless u are inside with them). Doors are not recommended as they are often able to walk through them as if they are not there (collision detection seems to be only on one side for NPCs, but both sides for players). I have several places on my server where armed 'soldiers' will shoot on site (either caged to guard one spot or wandering/patrolling) in a military base of ours. Or maybe a couple archers guarding the entrance to a castle? Dungeon challenge perhaps? ;) ~enjoy

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

    Edited once, last by Juggernaut ().

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