So the paint roller is fantastic for detailing.
Just one question. How can we remove paint? Sometimes when detailing if you add too much paint to a construction element you have to destroy the "block" and then start again.
So the paint roller is fantastic for detailing.
Just one question. How can we remove paint? Sometimes when detailing if you add too much paint to a construction element you have to destroy the "block" and then start again.
The only way I found is destroying the construction element
I hope there is a proper way for doing this
maybe when you got the paint roller in hand and did a mistake you can press ALT+Z to undo the paint
Unfortuantely it's still not possible to remove paint We're thinking about adding a special item for that (maybe sand paper)?
maybe when you got the paint roller in hand and did a mistake you can press ALT+Z to undo the paint
Actually an "Undo" option is on our to-do list (at least for building/destroying elements). We could think about including color changes as well
Unfortuantely it's still not possible to remove paint
We're thinking about adding a special item for that (maybe sand paper)?
red51 This is just an ideea, what about a Wire Brushes as a paint removal?
This will actualy fit in all ages, you can have one with the handle made of wood for medieval age and one totaly of Steel for advanced ages maybe
Or if you want to go further a Pressure Washer for advanced ages just saying...
Actually an "Undo" option is on our to-do list (at least for building/destroying elements). We could think about including color changes as well
That would be wonderful for building kinda annoying when you smash something by mistake
would fit better for medieval ages)
It would be cool if you can change the max. color with C so i dont need to sit there "hours" until i get the full color
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