Survival New Version

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Basically the new version always run in survival mode by default (unless you enable creative mode via command, but even then it's only active during the session) ;) However, please bear in mind that the new version is still in a very early state, and that there are almost no actual survival features available yet (hunger & thirst are available, but no sources of food, no animals or npcs, no threats etc). Right now the only "actual feature" is building. We're tirelessly working on it, but it requires still some important updates until the survival part is a bit more fleshed out :hushed:

    But also make sure that you actually run the new version. There should be a small 0.2.1 version number in the lower left corner in the main menu. Make sure to launch the game from the Steam library, then select "New Version" in the upcoming dialog (unfortunately Steam does not bring up that dialog if you launch the game from any other places).

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