Java Dedicated Server Problem 10%

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  • Hello everyone.

    Java server does not allow players. 10% load and stop.

    There was a fatal error in the server logs from the PNB plugin. The plugin has been removed, but the server still won't let players in, 10%. I can't find the reason.

    Is it possible to delete the sbp-1_-1.bpc and swp-1_-1.wpc files along this path? cache/worlds/Virt World2103061014/sbp-1_-1.bpc There are hundreds of these files and they respond to interaction with them with a long delay.

    What are these files for? (I understand what kind of world, namely?)

    Will player work be removed?

  • If you have a backup file you can replay the world again. A world save also includes the work of the players.

    Unfortunately I can't help you with the errors.

    I had error messages with the pnb-plugin on the server, so I never tried to install this plugin again.

  • Galochka the cache you refer to contains sections of the world parts players explored. Cache allows those world sections to load faster, but typically safe to remove/clear them but I doubt that is your problem with the 10% loading issue.

    I had this problem only once on my server (players would load only 10%). In my case, it was I had an excessive number of world NPCs (had over 250K world NPCs). Check your most recent server log, it should tell you how many NPCs are being loaded: e.g. 56806 NPCs loaded from DB! (I find it best to keep the number of NPCs under 100K). The problem happened to me when we had a lot of players and just after mounts were added to game (as players explore, especially on horseback, NPCs quickly filled the DB. Red had since added counters to this (e.g. skellies auto despawning after set time), but still could be your issue (excessive NPCs, worth checking).

    NPCs can be cleared via command or directly by editing the world database (if you do manual route, only edit DB when server is NOT running and make a backup of the DB before you attempt editing/removing NPCs). you can use the free DB browser for SQLite to do this:

    hope this helps!

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • If you have a backup file you can replay the world again. A world save also includes the work of the players.

    Unfortunately I can't help you with the errors.

    I had error messages with the pnb-plugin on the server, so I never tried to install this plugin again.

    Thank you very much Deirdre, but Backup 07/23/2021 Players have already built a lot. And the problem may come back later. =(

  • Many thanks Juggernaut.

    75682 NPCs have been removed. NPC spawn speed has also been reduced by 0.5.

    I asked the players to write to me in cases of 10%, but not all players are willing to help. =(

    I'll try to join the server tomorrow =(

  • awesome. glad it worked!! Now make a backup ASAP! :)

    NOTE!! Very important to properly shutdown the server before doing a backup, or risk corrupting the main world DB.

    I recommend weekly backups at least (Daily if you have a lot of traffic). Then archive monthly backups for an entire year (save one backup for each month and archive 1 years worth = 12 backups on an external drive). This has saved me more than once due to hardware failure.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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