i wanted to change the color of some wood pieces on a building i havein the new version, iv tryed useing the edit c id comand,does that comand work yet ? if so how do i get it to work,is there an upto date page somewere of comands for this type of comand ?

edit color
- Urshala
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
The command you're looking for is just edit, followed by the specific type you want to change - for example "color" (to change the color of the block), "texture" (to change the id), "texturescale" (for the texture scale), "size" (to set a new size along X, Y and Z axes), "rotation" (to set a new rotation), "rotate" (to rotate the block along X, Y and Z) or "move" (to move the block along X, Y and Z).
So if you want to change the color, you can either type edit color (this brings up a color picker where you can select the desired color), or if you already know the color code (html color), you can set it directly, i.e. edit color #ff0000 (which would set a red color).
To change the texture/id, the command would be edit texture (if no id is specified, this also brings up a texture selection), or if you know the id (e.g. id 200), the command would be edit texture 200.
To rotate a block by 45° along the Y (up-) axis, for example, the command would be edit rotate 0 45 0. To move it by 0.1 units to the north (towards Z axis), the command would be edit move 0 0 0.1 accordingly etc.
Some edit types require creative mode btw.
Unfortunately we don't have an overview of the new console commands yet
But unlike the Java version, the console in the new version provides suggestions when typing a command. Basically you could also type "commands" to print all commands, then use the page up/down keys to scroll up/down... but it's a bit cumbersome unfortunately (after the next update, this command will provide more information).
However, we definitely want to prepare a new list of console commands in the near future
ok thank u so much ,so many of my bp the wood is now all black ,a lotta editing todo
ok so i attached some pictures ,wood log left is texture 106 ,u can see in the second screen shot the curser is in the build it says its texture 106 ,iv use edit texture 106 and tryed edit texture and selected from the menu and its still basically black i tryed restarting my game same thing still, this is a bp from the old version i transfred to the new version. the texture is 106 to start with
ok so i attached some pictures ,wood log left is texture 106 ,u can see in the second screen shot the curser is in the build it says its texture 106 ,iv use edit texture 106 and tryed edit texture and selected from the menu and its still basically black i tryed restarting my game same thing still, this is a bp from the old version i transfred to the new version. the texture is 106 to start with
That's because there is an additional color put on the blocks for certain textures (in situations where we did not have a good replacement for a Java texture), e.g. black wood. If you want to get rid of the color, you can either use the edit command (type edit color 0 to remove the color from a block), or the paint roller (make sure no color is selected [RMB], then the paint roller removes the color)
ok thnxs for the help ill give it a try
Here is a site with all (most) console commands. Unfortunately it is available for now only in german but browsing through the commands and using google translator might help you as well
https://www.rising-world-wiki.de/index.php?title=Konsole -
I'm glad to hear it works now
Nearly all of my imported Java blueprints are really dark. To recolor or retexture all of them would take a very very long time. For blueprints till 2018 there is a little script from minotorious , where you can replace textures to another. For others we have to wait or to use the edit texture / edit color command. I have spires with own texture packs, no way to repaint or retexture them.
yes i have a few things that editing wont be possible on,it would take a rebuild, and some that all the new textures are just fine on, but im still very happy that the bp transfed over so easy and i think i will file away some of the more difficult ones to see in the future if there will be eny updates or patches to help with this
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