Re: Set up a server with SteamCMD [Java Version]

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    First of all the error... from rw_server.exe - System Error. The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCR120.dll was not found.

    Red51 as per your pinned post, "Set up a server with SteamCMD [Java Version]" The only thing i don't understand in this example [./ +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/steam/risingworldserver +app_update 339010 validate +quit]

    The thing I don't understand is this part ./

    The balance I do understand +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/steam/risingworldserver +app_update 339010 validate +quit]

    Three things - I have steamcmd.exe in a folder called Steamcmd, where does come from? and lastly when I enter ./ +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/steam/risingworldserver +app_update 339010 validate +quit

    in the Command Prompt window it responds back with, force_install_dir must be entered before you login.

    So basically I'm at a total lost now, can you help me Please and Thank you ||:thinking:

  • First of all the error... from rw_server.exe - System Error. The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCR120.dll was not found.

    If you want to run the server from the exe, you need to install MS VCRedist 2013. Basically the exe is just there if someone wants to launch the server through the Steam client. Otherwise it's recommendable to to run the server through the "win_startscript.bat" instead (there is usually no need to install VCRedist in this case) ;)

    The thing I don't understand is this part ./

    This is basically just relevant on Linux (I've updated the post to clarify that a bit) ^^

    On Windows, you can just run the "steamcmd.exe", then login via login anonymous (or use your Steam account credentials) and download the Java server via app_update 339010 validate. Once you're ready, you can log off via quit.

    in the Command Prompt window it responds back with, force_install_dir must be entered before you login.

    Hmm... that seems to be a new requirement :thinking: Apparently Steam has changed that a few months ago... thanks for bringing this to my attention!

    It's just a warning, however, so changing the install dir after login still works. And as mentioned, the "force_install_dir" command is merely optional (only relevant if you want to install the server to a different location), so there is no need to use it ^^

  • Thank you for replying so quickly :thumbup:

    I forgot to mention I have a Asus router and my ports are set to 4254 TCP and 4255:4259 Both (TCP UDP) is that correct.:thinking:

    If you're using the default server port (4255), you have to forward ports 4254, 4255, 4256, 4257, 4258 and 4259 TCP and UDP in your router ;)

    On this website you can check if port forwarding was successful (make sure the server is running when checking the status of the individual ports):

  • i have an auto server installer versions 1 for java and 2 for unity for windows only, if you want it, of cause you still need to unblock your ports as you have done, both versions auto update and reboot the servers for you just send me a message and i can give you the link for download

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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