New Clouds

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Kinda slow in doing this, but wanted to say I do like the new clouds. I played with the weather settings and like what I saw. I can look up and see clouds instead of stars/moon.

    For day changing the weather, did like how the far distance faded away by clouds.

    For night with heavy rain, heavy snow, and dense fog would be nice for a bit more darker....harder to see from clouds blocking light sources.

    Suggestions/Feed back

    I did a building on mountain, below the clouds, no light source and still can see it at low to medium distance. I was hoping the clouds made bit darker and harder to see anything at close range. I know a little more would put a little more stress on graphic cards. Would like to have dense fog with clouds during the day bit more dense/thicker or bit darker or bit of glare as the clouds keep the fog in the area. Where I live, we get Tule fog. Hoping the clouds to do or give effects of the Tule fog. I can give a link on it, if you want. 'Tule fog is a low cloud, usually below 2,000 feet'

  • Thanks for your feedback about clouds :)

    I did a building on mountain, below the clouds, no light source and still can see it at low to medium distance. I was hoping the clouds made bit darker and harder to see anything at close range. I know a little more would put a little more stress on graphic cards. Would like to have dense fog with clouds during the day bit more dense/thicker or bit darker or bit of glare as the clouds keep the fog in the area.

    It mostly depends on the weather... for example, "overcast" weather has quite dense clouds which should mostly cover buildings behind clouds^^ For the default weather, clouds are indeed not very dense, but increasing the density would block too much sunlight. But we will definitely tweak the clouds a bit more in the future (the same applies to the overall brighness/darkness during nights) ^^

    Where I live, we get Tule fog. Hoping the clouds to do or give effects of the Tule fog. I can give a link on it, if you want. 'Tule fog is a low cloud, usually below 2,000 feet'

    Could you maybe post an image of that? :saint: However, when getting too close to a cloud, we can't render it with full density, because that would cause lots of artifacts (or more precisely, if we want to make the "cloud fly-through" look better, this would become a lot more expensive in terms of performance) :/

  • For a picture of Tule fog, I do not have any, I thought is common to many places not a few places what wiki has said. A fog that is similar to white out blizzard. It is so wet that it sounds like light rain falling from leaves. You go above the 1000 FT elevation or more and it is clear sunny day. The temp is much colder in the fog and no sunlight get through it. I seen it driving down to a few feet in front of me. I been in places driving were it was 2 mile visibly, went under overpass, small dip, and bend the freeway to hit pocket of less than 1/8 mile view. Light source in the night be easier to see while early morning when the sun is up harder to see from glare and seeing white. Tule fog only happens during our winter months in California Central Valley. Few other places get this.

    Similar is what you talking about the clouds at high point in the game. You could be in the clouds then move above the cloud line. Tule fog is similar but on the low part of the ground. Very dense, I understand it will hurt graphic cards but just a thought.

    Thinking too...we sometimes gets an ice fog. Where there is fog but the air temp is cold enough, anything it touches get a light dusting of ice over time. This one be light fog in snow boime.

  • Thanks for the explanation! I must admit I never came into contact with that term before :thinking:

    From a visual point of view, wouldn't it look like the current "dense fog" we already have in the game (i.e. the effect you get via weather densefog 1)? So the only difference would be that it would have an impact on the temperature, and wouldn't go above a certain altitude?

  • The idea being, the temperature will not go up as the sun rise. For this effect just hugs the ground with the mountains growing through the clouds/fog.

    Example in java version with holes/pits, makes it harder to see them and more likely to fall in one. Light radius reduce to less than a meter or light does a glare making it harder to see like almost blinding light. Also good for bandits or animals be hiding in the fog/cloud.

    Some valleys to even winter biomes can have this effect. When I tried dense fog setting with weather, to be should be bit thicker and harder to see buildings or even paths. Desert biomes can be as sand storms. Lower temperature until 11 am then temp can go back to normal.

    Have to wait until Oct or Nov to see if I get the Tule Fog then can submit a picture.

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