player markets (WIP).

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  • im wanting to start planning player placed able markets(buy/sell). im going to do this with a place able seller npc. i would like some input on the way it works. npc has attached storage player places items in said storage and sets sell buy prices. i was also thinking....i could do it so there is a buyer npc and a seller npc. when one is placed it uses all chests in a set area. player would then for example interact will seller npc select set prices and it would just bring up a list of all items/objects in game to set prices for. i think this way you could set all prices and just drop whatever in the chest as its collected. i feel this way if a player has a buyer and seller npc and someone sells something to would automatically be for sale with the seller npc.

    hope this makes sense. would love to hear peoples thoughts about this.

  • Wouldn't it make more sense for the list of prices to just contain items that were in the chest? For example, I put lumber and tomatoes in the chest and when interacting with the NPC get a list containing just those two items to set a selling price for.

  • im wanting to start planning player placed able markets(buy/sell). im going to do this with a place able seller npc. i would like some input on the way it works. npc has attached storage player places items in said storage and sets sell buy prices. i was also thinking....i could do it so there is a buyer npc and a seller npc. when one is placed it uses all chests in a set area. player would then for example interact will seller npc select set prices and it would just bring up a list of all items/objects in game to set prices for. i think this way you could set all prices and just drop whatever in the chest as its collected. i feel this way if a player has a buyer and seller npc and someone sells something to would automatically be for sale with the seller npc.

    hope this makes sense. would love to hear peoples thoughts about this.

    Hello, great idea and work.:thumbup: super plugin
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