Locking Items

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • You mean preventing them from despawning (or more precisely, being able to place them persistently in the world)? Unfortunately this isn't implemented yet... I can't say for sure when this will be added, probably this will happen after the NPC update :silenced:

  • Oh, I see :D I must admit I haven't touched the permissions recently, but IIRC you can already prevent players from using certain items. There is a "forbidden" keyword for permissions, but right now you can only perform a general ban of certain items for a player (making it impossible for the player to craft, pick up or use a "banned" item).

    Unfortunately it's not possible to remove items from the crafting menu only (e.g. if you want the player still being able to pick up and use items, but if you don't want him to be able to craft it himself) - but we could add this if this would be useful :)

    To ban an item for a player, add this to your permission file:

    "forbidden": {
    "items": ["pickaxe", "repeater"]

    This would ban the pickaxe and repeater for the player. If you want to ban all items, you can use a wildcard ("*"). Subsequent entries could then be exempted from the ban by negating them. Example:

    "forbidden": {
    "items": ["*", "!pickaxe"]

    This would result in the player only being able to craft and use the pickaxe, but no other items.

    When adding forbidden item lists to a group permission, this overwrites the parent permission. If you want to "inherit" the forbidden definition from the parent permission, you can use the "#inherit" string. For example, if you have a "guest" group permission where all items are forbidden ("*"), but you want to create an area permission where it's always possible to use a repeater, the area permission can inherit the forbidden list first, then exempt the repeater like this:

    //Your group permission
    "forbidden": {
    "items": ["*"]
    //Your area permission
    "forbidden": {
    "items": ["#inherit", "!repeater"]

    Currently the crafting menu has no visualization for "forbidden" items, so they will still appear there, but the player won't be able to craft them (he'll get a message about insufficient permissions then). We will change that in the future ^^

    If you run into any issues regarding permissions, please let us know :) It's possible that something doesn't work as intended and that there are still bugs which haven't been discovered yet (due to low player numbers in the past months), especially in multiplayer...

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