Arcticu Main - (Unity) 'The Beginnings'

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  • Vathunver - (Part 2 to the above):

    Felt under the weather for January 1st, 2024, with what felt like a Cold, or even a heavy dose of fatigue. Even nearly fell asleep at one point also. Even so, I forced myself to push as much as I could to complete the building the best I could, or get it to a complete state. I'm proud of what I managed to accomplish today. Both in Part 1 & Part 2. WOOT! :party:

    - Busou Shinki HQ:

    This building is based on Konami's Kobe City building in Japan. I used this design for its "simplified" design to be used for the eventual showcase of Busou Shinki models after having used the posters to share various content relating to Busou Shinki. All the fine-tuning and polish shall happen in another session, though I added more stairs, banisters, and even structurally completed the building. I sadly forgot to add the stairway windows found on the pop-out portions of the building.

    (I even fixed my error of turning the pointy sharp corner into a rounded corner, as shown in below images.)




    It's "mostly" completed, however missing the finer detailing. I forgot to add the stairway windows, as seen in the original Konami Kobe building image. Once elevators are a solid addition into the game I shall remove my stairway for actual elevators. Until then, my stairways are crudely inserted into the building. I'm however proud of my new Busou Shinki HQ addition in the game.

    - Vathunver Storage - Port Promenade:

    I was annoyed seeing my boat simply floating next to the stone-filled shoreline, forced to build a mini-port in response to seeing a sad sight. This port is important to supply food from the other side, hopefully eventually becoming a vital part of my city & port. Port Pilipec (on the other side) is treated as rural, while Vathunver is more urban. Port Pilipec handles farms, more "primitive tech" and more low-tech fishing vibe. Rural-outskirt stuff. I needed to have a place for my boats to dock while feeding into and out of my Vathunevr storage area, and the eventual addition of trains at a later date. Note the gap between the building and promenade to eventually allow trains to rumble by.

    If we get ferry boat types you'll see me trying to use them in this area as well.


    - Trees making note of where I eventually desire to see my train station to connect the area with the rest of the island, and maybe the rest of the map. Maybe I'll have underwater trains, or tunnels. Or rely on hybrid trains & boat combination.

    For now, this shall simply be my tree farm before moving it more to the outskirts with more and more features hopefully being added into Rising World. If, and when, we get trains you'll see me proudly boast about my new train addition, routes, and station. I will genuinely be loud about my trains, if I'm allowed to have them. :nerd:


    Loving my new additions. It's a shame I feel sick and under the weather, even having dreamed people became vile to me to the point of spamming pictures back at me, or accusing me of typos to the point Red51 had to lock one (or numerous threads). Nasty impression left on my subconcious. Either way, I'm happy another project has been completed, hence why I'm sharing it. Maybe in a dazed state, yet still proudly sharing it.

    Honestly sucks feeling under the weather. I genuinely forced myself to complete the Busou Shinki HQ building all in one session, even up to the final time-limit of 1 AM. I hope to fix errors I sadly missed out on in the next session. :dizzy:

  • Rising World - Vathunver Tour & Admiration of RW:

    A 13 minute video showing off the current state of Vathunver while also noting why I admire Rising World. Of course, contains the negatives because one must stay honest and grounded to reality to keep moving forward. Rising World has growing pains, and it shows. Modding, survival, complexities of Rising World, etc. Can't wait to add more structures and elements into my main city, and even have future features compliment Rising World in the future with each and every update. :monocle: I swiftly noted what I desired to do, and where.

    (Disclaimer: I genuinely don't mean any harm, I'm however noting what I've experienced, that's all. Steam forums has a nasty clown award habit needing to be fixed, and ban threats, etc. I simply noted things in neutrality.)

    - Thumbnail for new video.

    (Wasted so many hours rendering the video. Failed 3 times, worked on 5th on newer version.)

    I shall be making more in this format, hopefully in the new delayed update. :monocle:

  • It's an interesting town. I also can wait for trains and have them already planned in my town. I don't want to tear buildings down later due to bad planning. :D

    Thank you!

    I can't wait to continue fleshing out my city with some planned towers and other builds, while also going back to polish up my pre-existing structures at the very same time. I even desire to rebuild my 'Arcticu Tower' I usually build in every other game. I think I know where to put that (behind the Busou Shinki Tower & Blue tower). Granted, I still may do some "haste builds" during that time.

    Yeah, tearing down buildings is a pain so I may have to make some quick modifications to make it quick-building friendly just to complete only the paper building.

    And yeah, my hype for trains is 100% real, and a nasty itch. Whatever train I'm given I'll make full use out of. Hope we both, and others, can have tons of fun with trains! CHOO!~ CHOO!~

    Also, as noted in my video (near the end) I made note of how I'm switching my perspectives from API modding to simply hyping up trains because of how we can connect with trains more than we do with API. I've butted heads with people so much that there is tension. I desire to ease that nonsense by simply switching back to hyping up trains instead for it's universal appreciation. :monocle:

    Now to see what I should make a video of next. :nerd:

  • - New Settlement Founded - Valsia - Savannah Coastal Town:

    Finally decided to get back to exploring my world to find one of the new biomes. I've seen sub-biomes, nothing actually new. Savannah biome was my first new biome found, and I'll proudly show it off with it being a nice little challenging area to settle in. Wish I had fishing to help out. It's a nice large island with neat stuff. For the record books I need to note (also for myself) I founded Valsia on February 21st, 2024, something which I'll also echo in the world's log as well. Started off with a pathway to enter a mine, then the main building, and a farming land (something I moved uphill), and stables. I needed a horse, and a horse I got.

    Now I need to make another building dedicated to making paper, etc. I need maps! I need to be able to input coordinates to make my way back. Shall focus on making this settlement fully interactive with the latest gadgets, yet kept in its village-town vibe. A fishing & farming settlement.

    Land ho!~ :wow:

    My god, is it ever far away though. I'm glad Red51 sped up the RIB boats allowing me to get here quicker. I may have to make an eventual underground subway train network just to reach this place in snooze-mode. :sleeping:

    Greeted by a snake.

    Converting the coastline into a pathway (to also reach a nearby mining area).

    - An accident in my town-hall workshop building. Vomited ingots everywhere from full inventory.

    - Terraforming coastline into a settlement. Park was supposed to be a farm, I moved the farm upwards. Nothing planted, cotton doesn't drop seeds.

    - Nightly panic attack.


    The state of Valsia after the first day & night (real world).

    - town hall + blacksmith + Fire beacon.

    - Stables, park, and pathway upwards. (Wild horses seem attached to my tamed horse.)

    - Upper farming area (Wish I had cotton and other stuff up here.)

    (Left side shall lead to a tree farm area. Struggling with that with how long it takes to grow trees.)

    Looking down at park, cityhall building, stables, main area, and mining area.

    Not bad for a first day & night. Since I'm now stuck here (without maps) I shall work my way towards making more basic structures, a paper making area, and etc. Even a bakery, among other stuff. I don't have wheat, though could probably double back slightly to a nearby temperate island for wheat. Once map are released I'll make my way towards other biomes. I'll also clean up areas as I play more by adding finer details, etc. I simply desire to settle in with the basics, though I genuinely 100% need maps now. :monocle:

    Good times. :party:

  • - Valsia - Savannah Coastal Town:

    Came back to Rising World to finally work on a naval HQ military base themed to both Kantai Collection (KanColle), and even Azur Lane all prior to the currently added (August 30th) update. I also desired to possibly even theme my navy base project in Valsia towards Canadian (RCN) via the incomplete Canada Day 2024 monument. Building it up to place 2D cardboard displays (using posters) to place them around my naval base. To hold posters, etc.

    - KanColle influenced Research & Storage building. Has that crude ship appearance to it, something I enjoy. (Pre-side-compartment & fencing).

    - Hasty, yet semi-decorative stables for horses. Shall fine tune it later.

    - Barbarian attack on the other side of settlement, next to farm plots. (north, not south). Also south, my horse stables, one I failed to share previously. Forgot to roof my stables (with window frame and glass), something I'll do in my next session. More detailing at a later time. Wooden fence separation, etc.


    - W.I.P Canada Day 2024 Monument, weather vane, and newly build sail boat (ARVX Valsia). I genuinely admire the new sailing boat; The sailing vibes, the throttle-wind control, and how weighted it feels. Had a rough push into the water, assuming it would break apart with how it flailed around.


    (August 31st, 2024 images below; Pre-August 31 images are above.)

    - An atmospheric tease of my new naval docking area for small and medium sized vessels. Larger ones shall be docked at elsewhere. (New moon from update.)

    - Working on fencing off my military naval base with semi-crude fencing, if still seriously pieced together. I can always go back and fix it, yet currently satisfied with the fencing (not seen in image). What CAN be seen are 2 (of 3) barbarians nearing my military naval base. Killed one, healed up, rushing after other two. This is why I built fencing, to keep them, and lions out. They caught me with my pants down, they however died while I was building a 3-part wall structure.


    - Valsia Naval Base - Upper Wall Entrance/Exit:

    - Basic fencing as to prevent both lions and barbarian attacks. If attacks escalate I can always make my fencing more complex to prevent fence-jumping NPCs, etc. Barb wires on top would be welcomed.

    - Floating view (above) my naval base. (Canada Day 2024 Monument still W.I.P. Also has newly added weather vane.)

    - Inner wall (Entrance/Exit). Leads upward, and outwards. Ever few feet there's a stairway leading upward and downward in an up-down-up configuration. Exits are sheltered with iron doors to prevent mobs from entering. Shall seek out fortified window doors at a later period of time.

    - World Render - Upper = Valsia settlement & farm | Middle = Valsia Naval Base. Pathway to the north of Valsia shall lead to an eventual mining area, and maybe a fortified mini village.)


    I'm genuinely happy for this update. I can't wait for maps to actually be functional, though this still gives me the proper opportunity to construct proper docks for the vessels, work on my naval base, secure loot, and to eventually feel at home in my new naval base. I still need to work on the interior. I also need to add in window frames, the minor detailing's, and further construct my Canada Day 2024 monument. I missed my Canada Day. Giving that monument a double-meaning of Canada Day 2024 & Canada's Royal Navy (RCN) respect, something it deserves (especially to be present in Azur Lane & KanColle games).

    Feels good to be making progress in Rising World again. It was childish how people attacked me, falsely vilified me, and mocked me on Reddit, Steam forums, and elsewhere under false pretenses. People are rewarded for berating me, and that sucks of people. I don't have time for their childish, something I could have used the time between March-August for what I actually accomplished this time around. I'm happy I'm back in Rising World, something fake people aren't happy about. I'll keep building away, and in my way. Yes, I had to note this because of the months of lost time I could have spent sooner constructing my naval base, and not later. I was intentionally sabotaged and I'm annoyed at how fake people are.


    Next Goals for Valsia & Navy Base:

    - Roofed Boat shelter (somewhere).

    - Roofed Boat Shelter & shipyard (probably south of that mini-map & brown forest patch; Sheltered area).

    - Grass & pave the navy base.

    - Add triangle pieces onto 'Research & Storage' structure. Needs final touches. Maybe a door, a glass one. (95% complete).

    - Navy Base interior (First and second floor; Kitchen, offices, bunks, poster display area, etc.)

    - Wooden fence stables (both). Add window frame & glass to stables (normal).


    - Bonus: I accidentally crafted too many raw bread. Had to rush them into a storage chest (full inventory). At least I won't go hungry for awhile.:wacko:

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