Some suggestions

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I would like to suggest to include an option for server owners to disable all the high-tech and modern stuff, in case someone would like to run a medieval or primitive themed server. This even includes some of the walls/bricks which would not fit into a medieval world, because they are too "clean/smooth". I am thinking about starting a server for this game, once animals and mobs have been included, but i like to have some control about what people can build on the server and the general style. Right now its all mixed together.

    Another suggestion would be to include some distinct landmarks once in a while, like old ruins, abandoned huts, an old mine etc. Maybe even with loot. To make exploring more interesting.

    If you are going to include biomes, i suggest to at least include an option to not make them patchy, but realistic. Like you would start in the middle/moderate biome and if going north, you would sooner or later reach the arctic biome and if going south, the tropic biome.

    I noticed that ambient occlusion produces moving patterns on the screen, if set too high. Not a suggestion, but maybe something worth mentioning.

    I have only played an hour or so, so more suggestions are likely about to come. :drunk:

  • I would like to suggest to include an option for server owners to disable all the high-tech and modern stuff, in case someone would like to run a medieval or primitive themed server. This even includes some of the walls/bricks which would not fit into a medieval world, because they are too "clean/smooth". I am thinking about starting a server for this game, once animals and mobs have been included, but i like to have some control about what people can build on the server and the general style. Right now its all mixed together.

    Basically server admins can already disable individual items on their server (through the permissions), but unfortunately that doesn't apply to block materials yet... however, an easier setting for this is planned (same for singleplayer ofc). So it will be possible to lock the game to a particular era (e.g. only allow medieval items etc) ^^

    Another suggestion would be to include some distinct landmarks once in a while, like old ruins, abandoned huts, an old mine etc. Maybe even with loot. To make exploring more interesting.

    These things will be introduced with the dungeons update :)

    If you are going to include biomes, i suggest to at least include an option to not make them patchy, but realistic. Like you would start in the middle/moderate biome and if going north, you would sooner or later reach the arctic biome and if going south, the tropic biome.

    There have been considerations about that, but the world is basically infinite (so there is no equator and no north/south pole). This approach would result in the majority of the world being either cold (everything north of the starter island) or hot biomes (everything south of the starter island) :wat:

    I noticed that ambient occlusion produces moving patterns on the screen, if set too high. Not a suggestion, but maybe something worth mentioning.

    Hmm... could you maybe post a screenshot of that? Alternatively you could send a report: To do that, look at a spot where these artifacts are visible, then open the console (key ~ or ^) and type "report" (maybe add some additional information like "AO moving pattern" or something like that ;)

  • There have been considerations about that, but the world is basically infinite (so there is no equator and no north/south pole). This approach would result in the majority of the world being either cold (everything north of the starter island) or hot biomes (everything south of the starter island) :wat:

    Well, there's another open world survival crafting game called "Vintage Story". It has this feature and it has 'infinite' procedural generation as well, so this should be possible (?). Maybe take a look and some inspiration from there.

  • Well, there's another open world survival crafting game called "Vintage Story". It has this feature and it has 'infinite' procedural generation as well, so this should be possible (?). Maybe take a look and some inspiration from there.

    Well, it's not impossible from a technical point of view, it's more about reasons of playability^^ I'm afraid that travelling could become a bit boring if you will exclusively find snow biomes the further you travel north while only finding arid biomes the further you travel south :thinking: I'm not sure...

  • You should definitively include farming mechanics, not only growing vegetables but also raising animals. I think that would fit very well into this game. So that people have something to do, after they have build their house. Hunting for food. Maybe wood chopping to be able to heat homes and stuff. Primitive medieval survival mechanics i would like to see most, but i guess there are players who prefer modern content as well. Maybe some sort of need to protect homes from mobs (if enabled). Some, if not all of the things mentioned are probably already on your guys to-do-list. But this came into my mind immediately, after i walked around a bit in the new version. There's not much content yet, but i can already see the attention to detail and that makes me believe in this game. The soundtrack is also very nice. Too bad it will probably take years to finish. I just hope it wont stay early access forever, like so many other indie-games. It could be something unique, if you don't try to just copy existing survival games. The only thing i find a bit strange is the mix of primitive and modern tools available. I mentioned that before. You probably want people to advance from the "stone age" to modern times? Will there ever be a story or something? I don't need a big one, but maybe a little background story for the beginning, why we are where we are and what the goal is.

  • Well, there's another open world survival crafting game called "Vintage Story". It has this feature and it has 'infinite' procedural generation as well, so this should be possible (?). Maybe take a look and some inspiration from there.

    One million blocks isn't infinite. This is the maximum size you can choose in Vintage Story.

  • One million blocks isn't infinite. This is the maximum size you can choose in Vintage Story.


    Indeed, having North/South etc... arranged biomes, would not fit in a procedural generate world, just because it's infinite

    not to mention the pain that could be to travel millions of chucks to get resources located in snowy area than get resources located in dry area...

    The mix between biomes fits very well IMO despites the fact that is needed...

    You should definitively include farming mechanics, not only growing vegetables but also raising animals.

    if I'm not mistaken, it's planned :thumbup:

  • One million blocks isn't infinite. This is the maximum size you can choose in Vintage Story.

    Thats right. My bad. How about making it so that biomes will change after so and so many in-game miles/kilometers and then repeat moderate-tropic-moderate-artic-moderate etc.

    More suggestions: Fishing, Separate Level of Detail slider for trees (these are low detail in mid-range even on the highest LOD setting), swimming anim, maybe less yellow beach sand (?), maybe your own lore - instead of standard fantasy creatures like skeletons something more unique. if you want to include a "hell", maybe creatures from hell. with an option to spawn only real world mobs and animals for people that don't like these. abandoned mineshafts or even abandoned places from ancient times, cave systems that can only be found through digging without connection to the surface. lava that may float into tunnels, if not careful. coordinates.

    For servers: a welcome screen/ rule info screen (maybe with a custom image/logo) and admin tools (invisible/spectate), teleport to player x etc, ban/kick. Could be possible already, did not check yet.

  • Some more ideas:

    -Birds (Seagulls, Hawks/Eagles)

    -Make the inventory cursor move left/right without delay (pretty irritating).

    -Let us choose which direction to face while sitting on a log bench, depending on from which direction the player interacts with it.

  • Basically server admins can already disable individual items on their server (through the permissions), but unfortunately that doesn't apply to block materials yet... however, an easier setting for this is planned (same for singleplayer ofc). So it will be possible to lock the game to a particular era (e.g. only allow medieval items etc) ^^

    I can confirm this :thumbup: I've ran a medieval themed server since 2017.

    Just use administrative as well as technical controls.

    If someone builds something that's "against the rules" - just remove it. I once had to remove a bright yellow skyscraper someone was trying to build :crazy:

  • New suggestion:

    Let admins optionally remove any vanilla ruins/huts or whatever will be placed in the world in the future and instead let them be able to create own buildings and stuff (maybe including random loot), as a blueprint for example, which then could be placed randomly (which a chance of x - configurable) in the world. This could also be a tool to make single servers more unique from each other. Also depending on the theme of the server.

    -small game like rabbits

    -leaning (with a firearm)

  • It could be something unique, if you don't try to just copy existing survival games

    It's definitely not our intention to copy existing survival games :D We really try to make sure that RW has unique mechanics (like some of the interactive crafting stations) and especially a unique building system ^^

    But in certain areas some similarities are probably unavoidable...

    The only thing i find a bit strange is the mix of primitive and modern tools available. I mentioned that before. You probably want people to advance from the "stone age" to modern times?

    Yes, that's definitely our intention ;) Right now all recipes are available by default (so yeah, it's indeed weird to have a circuitboard next to a primitive stone axe), but this will change in the near future (so more advanced recipes only show up depending on your progress).

    But as mentioned, there will be also a setting to lock the game to a certain era ^^

    Will there ever be a story or something?

    There have been some discussions about a story in the past... it's complicated :D We only want to add a story if it really adds something to the game. And it must fit the scenario (for instance, a simple "ship wrecked" scenario [i.e. stranded on an island] wouldn't really fit IMO, because then it doesn't make sense to have so many building options [such a game would rather focus on survival than on building])...

    But it's our intentiont o add some smaller stories to the game. Not a real background story, but smaller stories via diaries, maybe also via NPCs which will be added in the long run etc.

    For servers: a welcome screen/ rule info screen (maybe with a custom image/logo) and admin tools (invisible/spectate), teleport to player x etc, ban/kick. Could be possible already, did not check yet.

    Basically these things are possible (ban/kick can be done via command, and teleport is possible via command or through the player list directly [rightclick on a player name]).

    You can set up a server logo, but that is only shown in the server browser (when double clicking a server).

    For messages, rules etc. you could maybe use the Scheduler:

    -Make the inventory cursor move left/right without delay (pretty irritating).

    This is on our to-do list :D

    Let admins optionally remove any vanilla ruins/huts or whatever will be placed in the world in the future

    The easiest way would be to disable ruins/dungeons during world creation. Right now this setting isn't available in the new version yet (due to the lack of dungeons), but this was there in the Java version, for example (and it's definitely planned for the new version) :)

    -small game like rabbits

    Could you elaborate on that?

    -leaning (with a firearm)

    We'll have to think about this... not sure if this fits to RW, but it could be a useful on a server with a bigger focus on PvP :thinking:

  • when you unequip a tool (or e.g having nothing on your hands), it should toggle your fists and you should be able to punch...

    for now it's ok, but when you will have durability on your tools/weapons and you will be fighting with bandits or fauna (or whatever purpose) and your weapon breaks, you should be able to defend yourself without weapon/tool... ;)

  • One thing about food and coocking.

    I'm pretty sure it's in your to do list ^^ but it will be realy cool if we can have some kind of "buffs/effects" depending on type of food instead of having potions...

    It would be really nice for example, when I eat a raw chicken I can get some king of vomiting or poisonng (which it will decrease my health or something), but if I eat a coocked chicken it just will rise my hunger (why not a bit of health) but if I coock some dish, like for example chicken with chili or wtv... I get for example my stamina consumption reduces by 30% or my speed walk or sprint increased by x% , my damage resistance increased... etc etc...

    But some kind of rewarding for your effort put on coocking or on your creativity (instead of having potions; don't know if it was in your plans), will be greatly amazing !! *_* :thumbup:

  • Oh yes, I know this part, but my purpose was more related to a developed cooking... creating some meals with a mix of various ingredients, that, depending on how deep you go or sophisticated meals you create, then different "levels" of rewards you get with different buffs or malus etc...

    For example you can have +50% damage resistance for 5 mins if you prepare some specific mix ingredients cooking... and for example if you want to extend the resistance damage more than 5mins for 15mins,then, you have to add another specific ingredient to your meal or make another kind of meal, etc.. ;):)

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