The iron ore rocks at the surface

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  • After 1.5 hours playing I have over 100 iron ores without going mining! I can find many more fast just strolling around a bit, without doing mining, this should not be possible(way too easy). Things like iron ore stones which you can collect like mushrooms at the surface, it is not very challenging... In the Java version it was even a little bit challenging in some areas to find stone without digging below the soil, because in some areas, there are no rock visible. And this was nice! A small stone here and there to find, but please no huge iron ore bolders everywhere!

    I like the new stones, I like stones to mine&collect, but these ore stones make me worry... In the Java version there are also not ore stones, and nobody complained...

    It is also not very realistic...

  • Funmichi

    Changed the title of the thread from “Please delete or thin out these iron ore rocks at the surface!” to “Iron Ore bolders everywhere: Please delete or massively thin out these iron ore rocks at the surface!”.
  • I think the reason is that the game isn´t further ahead yet. Iron is required for basic things like tools or a work bench. So it needs to be available in a good amount and not hard to find. At the same time there is no metal detector in the game yet and neither caves - both would make it easier to find ores in general.

    The iron boulders were introduced in the past because there was no world generation yet and still people could craft stuff for which they needed iron. Now its a bit different but i think until there are other means to find bigger ressources of iron ore these boulders are okay. Even later on its okay, maybe just less common or not in every biome.

    And after all its just iron. No other ore type has such boulders so whatever happens, you still have to look for the other ores.

    If the ores were removed now and you have "only" low or medium availability settings for ores some people could give negative reviews or quit the game because they can´t progress fast enough.

    For now its alright id say. Later on maybe just reduce the amount of iron boulders.

  • it just feels like a game!

    Actually, this is a game, and like any other game it has gaming conventions, one of them is more frequent ore generation. It's not possible to build a furnace to smelt iron from rocks in field IRL using only small wooden table. Or make a lightbulb. Or make a circuit. Or dig golden vein that is 400m below your house. Games use conventions as IRL you can't do these things without huge civilisation industry background, and without proper knowledge, technology and a lot of time. There is a game genre that tries to replicate reality as much as possible - simulators, but Rising World is not a simulator, it is a survival building game, and like others game of that genre it share similar conventions with them.

    In the Java version there are also not ore stones, and nobody complained...

    In java version ores can generate on surface, in Unity - not. Ore stones (which has only iron) is a way for players to start progression as iron is a basic starting resource at this moment as Avanar mentioned above. All that you have without iron is a basic bench and stone tools, that's all. This is not enough even for collecting materials for your base.

    If you want to search iron for dozens of hours just to build a workbench - it's up to you, just change ore density in world settings (at this moment boulders are not configurable, but they will in the future), but please don't force all others play as you want. Rising World is not a game about grinding iron, and I hope it will not become such game. Finding resources for your needs is a good thing for survival games, but it should not be above specific limits. Previous version don't have iron boulders (they were rare), and ores were deep underground. As a result all that you have were stone toos and primitive bench. You were not able to even make a storage. And yes - you can require many hours up to several dozens just to find a starting amount of iron. I don't like such approach as the game transforms from fun and interesting into "iron searching simulator", which is boring. If someone want a world with rare/without ores - it is configurable, others deserve to play a fun game, not a grinding simulator

  • I have the setting low and the iron ore bolders are way too often.

    But ok, if they introduce caves and other helping objects for mining, it would be nice if it is like in the Java Version, where you need to progress slow from stone and wood tools to iron tools at the more higher end. But if you can skip wood tools, stone tools, it has not the feeling of the previous game like a progression you make.

    There is also a creative mode and settings for the ore density for people who complain about this.

    Maybe the ore density could be high for default for every new player and you can lower this as advanced player.

  • skip wood tools

    We don't have complete set of wood and stone tools, the only tools from these materials are stone axe and wooden rake. This is not enough for basic building, mining and farming. Tools of the second level are from iron - iron axe, pickaxe, hoe, sledgehammer, scythe and sickle.

  • We don't have complete set of wood and stone tools, the only tools from these materials are stone axe and wooden rake. This is not enough for basic building, mining and farming. Tools of the second level are from iron - iron axe, pickaxe, hoe, sledgehammer, scythe and sickle.

    This is the poitn, I hope it will feel like the java version where you cannot find iron at the beginning easy. I have used stone tools for at least 7 hours at the beginning of rising world, because iron was just beneath the ground and with wood tools it was too slow to find them. This feeling was nice, it was a real surviving feeling. At some point the stone tools where too slow, so I was very happy to find enough iron at some point to build iron tools., to find even more iron. So please dont make it so easy to find iron ore on the surface like it is now. It feels like Rust without the need and possibility to mine.

  • This is the poitn, I hope it will feel like the java version where you cannot find iron at the beginning easy. I have used stone tools for at least 7 hours at the beginning of rising world, because iron was just beneath the ground and with wood tools it was too slow to find them. This feeling was nice, it was a real surviving feeling. At some point the stone tools where too slow, so I was very happy to find enough iron at some point to build iron tools., to find even more iron. So please dont make it so easy to find iron ore on the surface like it is now. It feels like Rust without the need and possibility to mine.

    I really have no clue and no idea why to introduce iron ore stones at the surface. There is no need and no value to it.

    Thats your opinion. And on the long run i would agree, as mentioned above. Though for now its fine. Remember we are only talking about Iron. all the other ores are underground and there is definitely a high use for mining. Without mining you don´t get enough iron to build everything you want (you need it for tools, for the workbench, for the large smelters but also for walltorches, various other objects, for metal blocks and currently even for glass).

    Also remember that its an EA game. What you see and experience now is not necessairly the final outcome.

  • After 1.5 hours playing I have over 100 iron ores without going mining! I can find many more fast just strolling around a bit, without doing mining, this should not be possible(way too easy). This is the reason why I dont like other survival games: Things like iron ore stones which you can collect like mushrooms at the surface, it just feels like a game! In the Java version it was even a little bit challenging in some areas to find stone without digging below the soil, because in some areas, there are no rock visible. And this was nice! A small stone here and there to find, but please no huge iron ore bolders EVERYWHERE!

    I like the new stones, I like stones to mine&collect, but these ore stones make me worry... In the Java version there are also not ore stones, and nobody complained...

    It is also not very realistic...

    You can always reduce the amount of ore that is generated when first creating your map plus also create a totally flat map or even a completely bare one with nothing but gravel. I know of no other survival game that is so customisable. Its a hidden gem of a game.

  • I personally love the surface ore, and see it a a great addition to the game. As it is a game, if you don't like it, just play the game and ignore these surface ores, see them just as pretty boulders. Spend an hour or so looking for a mountain with ore on, or even longer digging underground with a stone hammer.

    The key point is; there's choice. It's a sandbox after all!

  • Probably there can be some changes in ores to make a good progression curve (for the future version):

    1. Different starting resource, the best is probably copper or bronze. This should make iron a bit more middle game resource

    2. Ore boulders can be rare, but you can find a small rocks (which will give you one resource during pickup) which will indicate large underground ore vein (same as in Vintage Story, Terra Firma Craft or 7 Days to Die). This will mark startup resources for the player, so it will be not too hard to find them, and this will make them a bit more hard to obtain. This should not be grinding and searching for hours, just a bit more effort to get basic resource

  • I found 160 aluminium ores(!) at this spot also at the surface at a cliff at the surface, where I made two screenshots. My settings are on "normal" ore quantity.

    I have the feeling, you can find much much more easy ores, even the "rare" ones without any mining into the ground and not much effort.

    After mining:

  • This will mark startup resources for the player, so it will be not too hard to find them, and this will make them a bit more hard to obtain. This should not be grinding and searching for hours, just a bit more effort to get basic resource

    It should have a progression. A progression means you cannot find iron ore that easy at the beginning of playing, especially not in that amounts which is actually possible. So you use wood and stone tools, then tools from weaker ores like you said:

    1. Different starting resource, the best is probably copper or bronze. This should make iron a bit more middle game resource

    As you say, iron should be available in larger quantities later in the game when you find more caves by exploring.

    You also get the metal detector at some point which helps you also to find the ores you need in high quantities later in the game.

    By the way the detector in my opinion should need batteries, which you need to craft out of lithium.


    This should not be grinding and searching for hours,

    It should be at the beginning. As I said, you can find caves like in the java version and helpful tools which help to find it later in the game in high quantities.

    As in the Java version different ores should be available in different depths in higher quantities as in between.

  • Funmichi

    Changed the title of the thread from “Iron Ore bolders everywhere: Please delete or massively thin out these iron ore rocks at the surface!” to “The iron ore rocks at the surface”.

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