How To Upload Photos

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  • I'm completely flummoxed. I have some screenshots I wanted to add to a post. They're on Google Drive. Unfortunately, when I click on the "Insert Picture" icon, there are two fields:

    • Source
    • Link

    I can figure out how to copy and insert the Google Drive link, but what does the other field want?

  • Best thing is to download the screenshots onto your desktop.

    Then click on Attachments and Upload (at the bottom of each post).

    Then browse for the image you want to upload, select it, click open.

    Then under Attachments click on either Thumnail or Full Image to insert into post.

    By uploading the images to the RW forum, this negates future 404 errors when source images are deleted.

  • You can either upload your own images (as mentioned by yahwho ), or alternatively just refer to external images (without having to re-upload them to the forums). In this case, just hit the image button above and enter the image url into the "Source" field. Leave the "Link" field blank (this is just relevant if you want to redirect to another address when clicking on the image), and the forum will show the image found at that address ;)

    Just make sure to use the url to the actual image file. To do that, rightclick on the image you want to share and choose the option that says "Copy image address" or "Copy link" or "Copy image location" (depending on the browser you're using).

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