Just some screenshots

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  • Considering all your fantastic ideas and buildings, I’ve a hard time posting some screenshots of my humble home – but I'm in the mood just now. So… that’s that. :)

    Part of my bath. (With a small pool just waiting to be filled with water - eventually ;) )

    Part of my dining room. If you're wondring about the construct in the corner - that's obviously, kind of, art.

    Part of my kitchen. And, yes, it's perfectly reasonable to put books near the fire.

    Part of the living room. Nothing "clever" to say about that one. ;)

  • Hey, thank you all. :)

    Always do want to see more of these kind of images. If you can, share more? Nice! I love that home while wanting to rent it out if I ever could heh. Nice use of the poster. :thumbsup:

    The rest of the house is mostly still under construction. Lags its floor so you can fall through and break your neck and funny things like that - you sure, you want to rent it? ;) But I can post new screenshots when I've finished new parts.

    Really love that first one

    That's my favourite, too.

    sehr schön vor allem Wohnzimmer und der schrank super. :thumbup:

    Danke Dir. Der Schrank war ursprünglich ein experimentelles Regal, das ich furchtbar fand, und dann habe ich einfach weitergebaut... :rolleyes: Und ich mag das Wohnzimmer, da es immer in solch ein warmes Licht getaucht ist, selbst tagsüber.
    (Thank you. The cupboard started out as an experimental shelf which I really didn't like and then I just continued building... And I like the living room because it's always bathed in such a warm light, even in the daytime.)

    Daisy: Ben ouais t'as raison chacun parle dans sa langue comme ça c'est plus simple :)

    Daisy said she liked especially the living room and the cupboard.

  • Really like the illusion of the waterfall in the bathroom and the open fireplace… looks very comfy!
    Die Illusion mit dem Wasserfall im Bad ist super und der offene Kamin ist auch cool… sieht sehr gemütlich aus!

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