Any 2024 updates coming? Saw on steam was june 30th 2023 was the last one. Or is that it for this game?
New update
- Mattuk56
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
it's definitely not it XD you can check the forums and see red's been plenty active. the next update is expected to be at the end of this month, it's just been delayed a few times because it's going to be a REALLY big one- red is trying to fit as much as he can into the game as fast as he can so he can update the store page to the unity version, and more frequent smaller updates was taking too long because of all the tweaking and bugfixing that goes on between each one due to user feedback.
Any 2024 updates coming? Saw on steam was june 30th 2023 was the last one. Or is that it for this game?
no, not at all
there was an update with ridable mounts planned for September but it was postponed due to the urgency to replace the currently still officially promoted java version with the new and way more capable and powerful unity version.
the dev took the decision to give us an update that will contain ridable mounts, more animals - also aggressive ones, caves, more biomes, update to the world generation and probably a lot more.
we will get this update this month at the end. my guess, knowing red51s usual behaviour with updates, is 31st in the evening
and belive me - it will be totally worth it.
We are waiting !
I have been playing this wonderful work since 2020, the developer does a wonderful job and always delivers what is expected. I eagerly await this new update.
it's definitely not it XD you can check the forums and see red's been plenty active. the next update is expected to be at the end of this month, it's just been delayed a few times because it's going to be a REALLY big one- red is trying to fit as much as he can into the game as fast as he can so he can update the store page to the unity version, and more frequent smaller updates was taking too long because of all the tweaking and bugfixing that goes on between each one due to user feedback.
There are new photos on some cards in the development trello... photos from January 29th about desert biome, hell and npc... I think the update are coming finally.
Rising World Development | Trello -
There are new photos on some cards in the development trello... photos from January 29th about desert biome, hell and npc... I think the update are coming finally.
Rising World Development | Trellohm, we had some photos of those things a long time ago, tho? they were just preliminary ones, the features hadn't been programmed yet. but of course the update is coming soon, there's a banner on this site stating the official release date as this friday. i'm not sure why you quoted me, sorry ^^;
I see a new 4.6GB update on steams
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