Cleaning/seasoning crafting tables

  • Hear me out:

    You use the grinder to crush coal and sulfur, right?

    Let’s be realistic for a sec-would you seriously make flour with the same grinder you used to crush coal and sulfur previously?

    In the future, a way to wash out the grinder bed with a water bucket would certainly add realism to it! So the ability to wash the grinder bed after each use.

    Perhaps this feature could also be applied to the furnace and anvil. Perhaps a furnace and anvil will need to be “seasoned” after a certain number of uses? This could also be a reason to add flax-flax seeds can be used to make oil to season the furnace/anvil or even iron/steel tools?

    Just a thought…

  • In RL i would't use the same grinder for grinding flour after using it for sulfur even when the grinder has been washed. The most realistic way to play is to use at least two differend grinders.

  • In RL i would't use the same grinder for grinding flour after using it for sulfur even when the grinder has been washed. The most realistic way to play is to use at least two differend grinders.

    True, but what if someone only wants one?

    I guess this is where we need a windmill Grinder and when we get the option of movable objects (central pivot) surely this is a nailed-on building?

    and yes I agree. A separate type of grinder that only wheat can be used in would be a great addition to the game!

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