[🐛] Bug(s?)
- yahwho
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Perhaps you have to give a name to that poor pelt
Looks like we can also hear other people open chests
Looks like we can also hear other people open chests
Also, randomly hearing a heartbeat whilst standing still, might not be my heart I can hear?
Yes a lot of screaming and blood
When you get a pelt from a sheep you get item.sheeppelt.name
Thanks for letting me know, this will be fixed with the upcoming hotfix (should be available shortly)
Also, randomly hearing a heartbeat whilst standing still, might not be my heart I can hear?
You hear that sound when an aggressive animal has detected you
Unfortunately it also happens if an aggressive npc is "locked" or if you're in creative mode - this will be fixed with the next hotfix^^
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