hello how can I solve this problem not horse not bear any animal add animal rate 1
how can I do a total animal reset
screenshoot https://prnt.sc/4c7Gm9fRT5UZ
I ask if s is normal 15000 npc???
hello how can I solve this problem not horse not bear any animal add animal rate 1
how can I do a total animal reset
screenshoot https://prnt.sc/4c7Gm9fRT5UZ
I ask if s is normal 15000 npc???
Same(ish); I had to travel MILES to find any horses or bears (unless I make a new world).
I only see animals before updating, no new one
would have thought of having at least one predatory animal in a min islands
I did the test I created a new world in console it indicates spwan bear etc not old world
screenshoot https://prnt.sc/JDEtUQ80PCdb
how to reset spawn animal world
create new world test spwan animal
https://prnt.sc/xGffJrTeLGN9 bear
good problem solved I did reset db Npcs
good problem solved I did reset db Npcs
Could you share how you did that?
hello yes
make a backup of your world before doing so if there is a problem
methode 1
you create a new world you go to world you take 3 npcs db file
delete the 3 db npcs files in your world you copy the 3 files you new world in your world
you restart your world and npcs are reset spwan bear horse etc
methode 2 easy
even better than that I tested you delete 3 db npcs files and when you restart it recreates itself
don't forget to make a backup before
file world db
file download
https://steamuserimages-a.akam…015568D7FC81D1904954D16A/ bear animal
New animals will also spawn in existing worlds, but all animals are persistent (this means they never despawn automatically). Npc spawn depends on the overall population, so if there are already "enough" animals on your existing island, no new animals will respawn. This only happens if animals either wander off, or if they die.
To delete npcs, you don't have to modify the database. Instead you could just use the deletenpcs console command By default it removes all npcs in your world, but optionally you can also restrict it to a specific type (or only delete npcs within a certain radius).
New animals will also spawn in existing worlds, but all animals are persistent (this means they never despawn automatically). Npc spawn depends on the overall population, so if there are already "enough" animals on your existing island, no new animals will respawn. This only happens if animals either wander off, or if they die.
To delete npcs, you don't have to modify the database. Instead you could just use the deletenpcs console command
By default it removes all npcs in your world, but optionally you can also restrict it to a specific type (or only delete npcs within a certain radius).
it would be cool if there was an option to only delete the ones a set distance from buildings, so you could essentially reset the wilderness but not lose any pets/livestock you are keeping.
thanks Red51 for info
Thank you!
People on my server do not see the horse I am riding on?
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