Great job mate, I watched it and responded properly on Discord!

Really nice. But Lamb Chop´s on a Goat? You should have named it Goat Cheesey or something like that. Details are important!
Really nice. But Lamb Chop´s on a Goat? You should have named it Goat Cheesey or something like that. Details are important!
lol i agree. it was dark so i couldnt see!
Hello, is there an updated version as there is no link?
want it too
Hello, is there an updated version as there is no link?
want it too
It's not ready yet. Was waiting for some stuff in the API. It's mostly there now but I'm in the middle of coding a few plugins for my own server.. should be ready in a few weeks
then you can look forward to it
Any updates?
any download?
Really looking forward to it! My ranch will love it!
Will there be any downloads?
When can we expect the plugin?
i lost alot of my code a few months back this plugin being one of them. im working on multiple plugins at the same time. main one atm being a new portals plugin. if everyone just wants something basic for now i could throw something together in a few days tho it wouldnt be as complete as the mount protection im working on.
this is the large taming system but it will not be ready for month or so yet.
as i stated above, if ppl would rather me throw a temp plugin together i can do that but it would be very basic. tame and place
If you can. Then upload a temporary plugin. We would be very grateful.
Ich bin sehr interessiert an dein Plugin und ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich es bald Testen könnte
Hey buddy. Could you put in the plugin like you wrote earlier? It would be nice to have it.
im currently working to finish up my new portals plugin (next day or so) then ill get to working on it.
Changed the title of the thread from “WTGAnimalBreeding/Taming” to “WTGTaming”. -
this is just a basic taming setup. i used it for a bit on my old server. aggressive animals can not be tamed. this plugin does not include mating. to see what an animal eats hold food in your hand go up to an animal and press x. if its not the correct food it will tell you what they eat. i no longer have the source code for this so i cannot update it. to change what animals eat there is a database in the data directory of the plugin. once tamed press x again to open a menu to move, rename , release it. you have to feed the animal 4 times. when feeding it will say Full in green text. when it wants fed again it will change to saying Hungry.
Cool, i managed to tame a pig but is there a way to get them to follow you once tamed? I tried pressing C on it but nothing, the pig just stands there ? Thanks
Cool, i managed to tame a pig but is there a way to get them to follow you once tamed? I tried pressing C on it but nothing, the pig just stands there ? Thanks
press x on it and select move.
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