shouldn't area permission change your permssion group

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  • What was being asked is for players that are set as area owners the ability to allow or deny players into their area and to give them rights to add players to their area. I would assume that a group for area player rights versus area owners rights would need to be there.

    The next update will introduce new "create", "delete", "addplayer", "setpermission" etc. area permissions - that should make it easier to give players control over their areas ;) You will also be able to edit an area while standing inside it (so you could bind these permissions to the according area permission).

    Apparently making an area owner does not give them any new rights. They are not displayed on the permissions or the player list with supposedly area rights. Other players are able to destroy their buidings if they have general rights to build on the server is what I am reading here.

    As mentioned by james1bow , basically there is no such thing as "owner". When it comes to permissions, the game works like this: The lowest permission is the default server permission. This applies to all players automatically. If a player is assigned to a permission group, this permission overrides the default server permission.

    If the player is inside an area, the game first checks if the player is specifically assigned to the area, then it uses the player area permission. If the player is not assigned to the area, it checks if there is a default area permission instead.

    So permissions basically have this priority:

    Player Area Permission > Default Area Permission > Group Permission > Default Server Permission

    What? You have to have a default for areas? Sheesh

    No need to set up a default permission for areas. It's optional. The default permission is meant for players which are not assigned to the particular area. Example: Destroying blocks is allowed on a server (i.e. the default server permission allows it), but you want to set up protected areas for certain players. You would then set a restrictive area default permission (forbidding block destruction) - this applies to all players automatically, so nobody is able to destroy blocks inside this area. Now you want to give this area to one or more players (so they could set up a home in this area, i.e. they should be able to build or destroy stuff inside this area), so you assign these players to the area with a less-restrictive permission - this overrides the default area permission just for these players.

    Instead of setting up area permissions, you could also have a restrictive general server permission (disabling block destruction everywhere by default). Then just assign some players to the area to give them a less restrictive permission (so they can build/destroy things inside their area). No need in this case to set up a default area permission.

    Likely a syntax error I am sure but I cant find it. This is the part of this game I hate. Permissions should be simple and easy

    If there is a syntax error, the server log will show an error. Permission files use json, there are various validators available online (e.g this one) to validate the json syntax :)

    The RCON tool will also have a permission editor (which will be easier to use), but unfortunately the RCON tool had a low priority in the past (due to insufficient demand) :/

    Sollte das nicht auch die DefaultPermission einer Area anzeigen wenn in der Area kein Player eintrag vorhanden ist?

    This is not the default permission of a Area if view in the Area is no Player entry is this?

    Yes, the method player.getActiveAreaPermission() returns the area permission that is currently active for this player. If the player is assigned to the area, the particular permission is returned. Otherwise the default area permission (if set) is returned (but only if the player is not an admin (in the OR if Settings_AdminsFullPermissions is set to false in the

    I miss in the Areas getDefaultPermission()

    Weird... there is a setDefaultPermission(), but no getDefaultPermission() in the Area class :wat: We'll change that and add the missing getDefaultPermission() method with the next update ^^

    Getactiveareapermission always returns null red51

    If a specific player permission is assigned for this player in this area, you should be able to get this permission through that method. Otherwise, if there is a default area permission, it will only work if the player is not an admin (in the OR if Settings_AdminsFullPermissions is set to false in the Otherwise the game ignores the default area permission for this player.

  • Exactly but it should change with the area so that the players can see their permissions.

    The player list indeed only shows the permission group of the player (irrespective of areas). This information is meant for other players as an indicator about what role a particular player has on the server (e.g. if there is a "Moderator" or "Guest" group etc, or if you have something like factions on the server, e.g. a "Police" group, "Bandit" group etc).

    If a player wants to find out his currently active permissions, he can hit ESC and click on the "Permissions" button - this brings up an overview of all currently active player permissions (taking area permissions into account) ;)

  • The player list indeed only shows the permission group of the player (irrespective of areas). This information is meant for other players as an indicator about what role a particular player has on the server (e.g. if there is a "Moderator" or "Guest" group etc, or if you have something like factions on the server, e.g. a "Police" group, "Bandit" group etc).

    If a player wants to find out his currently active permissions, he can hit ESC and click on the "Permissions" button - this brings up an overview of all currently active player permissions (taking area permissions into account) ;)

    Perfectly legit. Where I noticed it was attempting to use it to check that the Area groups were indeed working. I expected the permissions to say area owner and not some general player group. I know I can detect what protected area they are in with a plugin but that was not the result I expected from the players list.

  • Perfectly legit. Where I noticed it was attempting to use it to check that the Area groups were indeed working. I expected the permissions to say area owner and not some general player group. I know I can detect what protected area they are in with a plugin but that was not the result I expected from the players list.

    This was mainly done from the POV of a regular player on the server (to get details from another player). In most cases it's probably more useful if player A can see that player B is in the "Moderator" group or (if there is something like factions) in a "Police" group, for example. But it's probably not that useful for player A if he sees temporary area permissions of player B there (e.g. something like "Owner" while player is inside his area). It would also hide the general role of a player on the server (once a "Moderator" moves into the area of another player, his visible permission would change to "AreaVisitor", for example)...

    Having said that, right now the player list shows the permission name, not the name provided in group (under "info" in the permission file). I think it's better if we change that in general. Then it would make more sense if this also takes the area permissions into account, at least as long as the particular area permission actually overrides the info_group permission. So if the area permission shouldn't be visible in the player list, simply omit this entry in the area permission file (so the game would still show the group permission name). If you want the area permission name to be visible in the player list, just set up the info_group permission there. We will implement that with the next update ;)

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