Is there are thread that contains the scheduler commands?

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  • I keep messing up my scheduler. I wanted to to tell somebody once a daily message but instead if either makes if over and over when people spawn or worse over and over every 20 min. Is there way to just say something once?

  • This topic contains more information about the scheduler: Server Task Scheduler

    When defining time intervals, it depends on the syntax: If you just write something like @10m, for example, the command will be executed every 10 minutes. If you write @+10m instead, the command will be executed once (10 minutes after the server start). If you type @15:00 instead, the command will be executed exactly at 3 pm server time etc.

    The linked topic above contains more information about that (there you will also find an overview of all events) ;)

    To get an overview of all commands (like "/say"), you can take a look at this topic: Server Commands [New Version]

  • So it appears I need to build a plugin to change a players permission group after playing a certain amount of time. The commands do not seem to be able to discern if the player has already changed from, for example, a Visitor to a dedicated General Player. The command after spawn would continually change the players group after some set time every time they join the server, correct?

  • So it appears I need to build a plugin to change a players permission group after playing a certain amount of time. The commands do not seem to be able to discern if the player has already changed from, for example, a Visitor to a dedicated General Player. The command after spawn would continually change the players group after some set time every time they join the server, correct?

    Which command do you mean exactly?

  • Du kannst auch die Permissions_DefaultNewPlayerPermissionGroup=gast oder so Verwenden, um die Gruppe beim Start einzustellen.
    Ich verstehe gerade nicht warum mann die Gruppe nach einer Bestimmten Zeit ändern sollte, ohne eine größere Steuerung über ein Plugin:thinking:

    You can also use the Permissions_DefaultNewPlayerPermissiongroup=guest or so, the group set at the Start.

    I don't just understand the way things should change and why man of the group after a Certain period of time, without a greater control over a plug-in:thinking:

  • Yes, if you want to change the permission group after a certain amount of time, you have to use a plugin for that. Unfortunately the scheduler isn't capable to do that atm: the time intervals aren't bound to a player, for example, so they're not suitable to determine the total play time. Also, the scheduler doesn't support any kind of branching, so it doesn't provide enough control to achieve that :/ Basically the scheduler is mainly intended to perform generic tasks (e.g. send messages to player, handle server restarts, change the ingame time or weather etc).

  • in case you need a timer for the permissions based on time, you can use the players join time (i believe is time in milliseconds from January 1 1970). something like what i use for auctions

    with this method the the starttime would be the players join time and the duration is how long you want the timer in hours

    public Long createEndTime(Long startTime, Integer duration){
    long endTime = startTime + (1000 * 60 * 60 * duration);
    return endTime;

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