Player Suggested Content
- AshWardle
- Thread is Unresolved
Could you elaborate on that? Actually we are already adding player-suggested content
Of course if a bigger feature is suggested (which would require weeks or months to implement), it may take a long time until it's added (because there is usually other stuff on our table we have to add first). But smaller things (which would require up to a few days to add) often make it into updates
red51 when you do start adding player suggested content, what would be the first thing(s) you would add?
Ash_lee, look under "Forum / New Version / New Plugin API .. topic Music Event". Example of player suggested content
red51 adding a door latch by the handle of glass doors would be a small thing to ask for. Would add more detail to modern builds. I would add my own latch to the door frame, however it would make no sense do to the door itself not having a visual latch
Although I could use a glass door with the default frame, I rather have a frameless glass door look.
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