Hello. Is there a way to create a party for multiplayer games (Unity version)? Is it even implemented yet? My partner and I are playing the game and want to join a party together but we cannot figure out how to do so. We want to be able to see each other on the map and unlock stuff together. Thanks in advance.

How to create a party?
- Hailstorm2087
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Changed the title of the thread from “How to create a party or group?” to “How to create a party?”. -
If you are playing on Steam there is an option to launch a world in LAN mode (green button "play with friends") and then your friends can join your world. (I think it was just right clicking in the friend list)
I don't think there's a team up function implemented yet. It was in Java but im not aware it was converted to unity.
Thank you.
There is unfortunately no group system available yet
But if you want other players to show up on your map, there is a setting available for that. Unfortunately this setting is not exposed yet, so it can only be set in the config.properties file atm. To do that, open the "config.properties" file in your game directory (in the "_New Version" subfolder) with a text editor and change Game_ShowPlayersOnMap to True, then save the file and run the game. Other players who join your world will also have to set this option to true if they want other players to show up
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