Hi All, im new to this unity version so any help would be greatly appreciated, i started a multiplayer server through a host and went on to play with friends and family however we all get the same problem that we can not kill any animals it just says PVE is not allowed we can gather logs, stone and ore could anyone shed some light what im doing wrong please.
unable to kill animals
- English
- tigerewok
- Thread is Unresolved
Hi All, im new to this unity version so any help would be greatly appreciated, i started a multiplayer server through a host and went on to play with friends and family however we all get the same problem that we can not kill any animals it just says PVE is not allowed we can gather logs, stone and ore could anyone shed some light what im doing wrong please.
Never run a server for this game myself, but sounds like there should be a setting in the server.properties file to change PVE to True.
Hi cursed thanks for the reply i have tried PVE = true and false but we are still getting the same problem im totally baffled as to what it can be.
I'm experiencing the same issue [here] , as well as "droidsb" [here]. I cannot confirm or deny, but I think it is because Admin is using both default permissions, as well as Admin permissions too. I think both permission files say PvE as True, and cancels out. It's only Admins which have this problem. 🤔
as for the pve for admins, dont set admins uids in the server.properties. instead create an admins permissions group and use setplayergroup command. remove all admin uids from the server.properties and you should be good to go!
Hi cursed thanks for the reply i have tried PVE = true and false but we are still getting the same problem im totally baffled as to what it can be.
dumb question, did you remember to restart the server after you changed the PVE = True?
Also check to make sure the others don't have admin permissions, that could be causing it as well. Some games have it set up where admins have a separate setting for PVE / PVP that works independently of the main server properties settings. not sure if Rising World is set up like that as well, but worth a look.
Sorry I can't be of more specific help. -
Thanks guys yes i did restart the server after i changed it to pve but it did not work but i will try what james said but i dont know how to do that i have removed the UIDS but dont know how to create admin permission group or use setplayergroup command is there any where i could find out on here?
Thanks guys yes i did restart the server after i changed it to pve but it did not work but i will try what james said but i dont know how to do that i have removed the UIDS but dont know how to create admin permission group or use setplayergroup command is there any where i could find out on here?
ive attached an admins permissions here Admin.json. download it and place it in the permissions/groups folder. to start make sure your listed in the server.properties. log into the game and run the command setplayergroup <playernamehere> Admin. then run the command revokeadmin <playerUIDhere> and you should be good to go.
Thanks james thats a great help, do i delete the two UIDS in my server before i restart the game and run the command setplayergroup or after i have done them 2 commands above?
Thanks james thats a great help, do i delete the two UIDS in my server before i restart the game and run the command setplayergroup or after i have done them 2 commands above?
leave them in the properties until you set yourself to admin group then remove them. save the properties then restart the server
Hi james, its not accepting the group name do i need to create a group in Permissions_DefaultNewPlayerPermissionGroup.
Hi james, its not accepting the group name do i need to create a group in Permissions_DefaultNewPlayerPermissionGroup.
no. I have seen a few ppl asking about this so ive made a thread for it Here
so what do i put in the group name as i have tried a few but none work
so what do i put in the group name as i have tried a few but none work
did you create a permissions group for admins? if so what did you name the file? if your using the default admin permissions it should be setplayergroup namehere admin
Thank you for all your help James that worked and i can now attack animals and we can all play the game when i get there groups set
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