Mining Drill Repair & Tool Repairs

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  • This one makes me sad. The flaws with this one makes the game feel like it's missing something, or with the sensation I'm not allowed to do something. Makes me feel like I'm wearing a ball-on-a-chain while roaming around my world.... I feel highly limited in what I can do, and sure, that may be an unintentional cause-and-effect to these updates.

    - Shelving my drill. It's now broken, and I now fear I won't be able to repair it at all.

    - But this.... I can't repair, nor sharpen my tools because it's "too damaged".

    What's the point then? I was warned far too late with the yellow-orange notification, and by then it's actually pointless to "sharpen" the tools. I feel I can't play Rising World with these tools being low in durability, let alone being unable to be fixed properly. I understand there may be a fix coming along, but is there any way we can do a work-around, or have the notification pop up prior to a tool being fully broken?

    This saddens me. Good luck getting these repairs, sharpening, and such tuned. Feels unbalanced to me. Makes Rising World feel unplayable, especially with what projects I have in mind. I guess I have to wait a while longer.:sleeping:

    (Not knocking on Red51, I simply feel the airs taken out of my sails on this one.)

    - I'm happy the Ore Detector is fixed. The display is readable again, and it feels awesome again.

    I'll check back again "soon". Good luck!

  • Advanced tools (ie mining drill, etc.) can not be repair yet as the developer has stated that he wants a more advanced / interactive method for repairing the advanced tools.


    Was hoping for a more feature-ready compromise until until such advanced methods were ready.

    there is a setting to disable the durability system [New] Item durability is now fully configurable and can optionally also be disabled (see settings -> miscellaneous)

    I'll do just that. I'll store my tools in a special chest in hopes of having them eventually repaired, even if they're noted as being "worn out" & "broken". Would be a shame to throw these tools out.

    I'll just spawn a new set of tools in, toggle it (as noted in your quote) and move on. Thanks.

    (Hopefully that'll loosen the slack on the ball-&-chain on the leg.)

  • The suggestion a group of us had for repairing the mining drill was the ability to forge new drill bits at the anvil and have them get applied like a repair kit that restores the durability of the mining drill. At least until the more advanced repair station gets implemented and even then the drill bits could then just become a required component to building the drill so it wouldn't be a wasted asset to create.

  • The suggestion a group of us had for repairing the mining drill was the ability to forge new drill bits at the anvil and have them get applied like a repair kit that restores the durability of the mining drill. At least until the more advanced repair station gets implemented and even then the drill bits could then just become a required component to building the drill so it wouldn't be a wasted asset to create.

    I was afraid of that, especially seeing as how certain Minecraft Feed The Beast Modpacks handled repairs like that. Sure, if I'm overflowing with resources then I can gladly resort to repairing the drill via parts, new drill bits, and etc.

    Applied like a repair kit? I actually approve of that idea, and new drill bits, and parts. The "wasted asset" has me worried though, but what's mentioned is something I approve of.:thumbup:



    Forgot to note that in the "future" (whenever Red51 is able), I wouldn't mind seeing an NPC repair guy handle tool repairs (among other things), even relating to drills, or whatever you have needing to repair. Place a stall, have them stationed there, and repair the tools. Or go to a nearby settlement to have it repaired by someone over there. Whichever is closest. Or have automation repair your tools. Anything.

    Whatever works.




    [Bugfix] Fixed items not being repairable at the grindstone

    Even with the hotfix, I'm also saddened I can't edit my tool to go do some mindless terraforming. RIP. Still the same error on steel pickaxe.X(


    Edit #3:

    Done as James & I noted, and I'm a happy camper now.

    Done! Now back to digging & terraforming. I missed my drill, and I'm glad I can use it again. o7

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