computer system requirements for server

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    Hello everyone. I apologize if this topic has already been discussed. I wanted to ask: what computer specifications are needed for a server to install servers? Thank you.:verysad:

  • Post by Deirdre ().

    This post was deleted by the author themselves ().
  • A Dual core I series cpu at around 2ghz or better

    6gb of ram

    Microsoft windows server 2019 or the latest version of windows 10 or windows 11.

    There is also a dependency you need to install to get the plugin api working, but i forget what that is atm I have had it working in the past but it isn't easy to find the right one. However it will still load and can be played without it.

  • There is also a dependency you need to install to get the plugin api working, but i forget what that is atm I have had it working in the past but it isn't easy to find the right one.

    In order to RUN plugins you will need the Java Runtime Environment Standard Edition (JRE SE) - but I am pretty sure that RW comes with this bundled into it.

    However, here is the JRE SE for Java 8 fi you want to install it manually -

    If you want to MAKE plugins, you will need the Java Development Kit (JDK SE) -…e8-archive-downloads.html

    There is a JDK EE and JDK ME (enterprise and micro) - you don't need these.

  • Actually there is no fixed requirement for the server. It really depends on several factors, like how many stuff you build (and how detailed it is), if you use plugins, custom images etc.

    Most important aspect is the RAM: Especially when using lots of custom images or when having lots of detailed buildings in the world, it's important that there is enough RAM available.

    When it comes to the CPU, it should be at least a dual core CPU, as mentioned by Phillip , but a powerful CPU becomes more important the more players there are on the server.

    In order to RUN plugins you will need the Java Runtime Environment Standard Edition (JRE SE) - but I am pretty sure that RW comes with this bundled into it.

    Yes, the server of the new version is already shipped with a JDK, so there is no need to install it manually. The server ignores any locally installed Java versions anyway. The only way to change the JDK is to replace the files in the /Data/Java/JDK folder (but I wouldn't recommend doing that) ^^

  • I understand about the computer, thanks. Here's the problem: the plugins on the host don't want to load (Everything works fine on the local machine. Now I'll try separately, what was said above=)

  • I understand about the computer, thanks. Here's the problem: the plugins on the host don't want to load (Everything works fine on the local machine. Now I'll try separately, what was said above=)

    If plugins don't load, the server log will most likely contain more information about what's going on (even if the server/API runs out of memory, for example) ;) You can find the server logs in the "Logs" folder in the server directory. Feel free to create a new topic about this issue.

  • Thanks friend, it helped. Everything worked.

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