NPC Animations

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  • Yes, in theory we can add this functionality, i.e the ability to modify facial expressions :) I will put this on our list.

    However, unfortunately there is no support for phonemes atm... implementing this is a huge task, since there is (AFAIK) no out-of-the-box solution available that's compatible with our audio engine (FMOD). But the game performs some fake lip-movement for bandits when they talk, for example - it's not the greatest solution, but usually it's sufficient...

    You're probably asking for phonemes because of this? It looks awesome and very promsing btw! 8):thumbup: We could provide an API method to enable the "fake" lip movement if that helps?^^

  • Thanks Red ^^

    We could provide an API method to enable the "fake" lip movement if that helps?^^

    Yes that would work. :thumbup:

    I'm not 100% sure yet how best it could work...

    Maybe set the animation to start once the NPCs response has come out of the LLM and then run a lambda where I can calculate a time based on the amount of words the NPC is going to speak and then reset/stop the lip movement animation?

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