Transporter Plugin Guide
This is another teleport plugin for Rising World—yes, another one!
Placing Transporter Platforms
Find the “Transporter” menu in your inventory. Open the dropdown, pick a platform, and place it under your feet.
Using Transporters
Stand on the platform and press the “F” key. This opens a list where you can edit your transporter’s name, set it to private, and more. Click a button to teleport to another platform.
Admin Features
Admins can make any transporter a server transporter. You can choose three options for the list: “My Transporters” to see only your own, “Server Transporters” for server-only ones, or “All Transporters” to see everything.
Transporter Limits
Right now, non-admins can have up to two transporters, but admins can change this. Stand on someone’s transporter, open the server list, go to settings, type a new maximum allowance in the text field at the top, then click “Set New Allowance”. That player’s limit will update.
Personal Options
All players can rename their own transporters.
Delete Transporters
Admins can delete any transporter by simply "looking at the platform" and hitting the "delete key", players do the same thing but can only remove there own