Upcoming: New networking, farming and more

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • The problem with the videos should be fixed, BurningBoard had problems with the url "youtube-nocookie.com" (regular "youtube.com" was no problem) ;) Nice videos/soundtracks btw!
    About music: Of course we will bring music into the game :) We will generally rework some sounds and add more variety.

  • The problem with the videos should be fixed, BurningBoard had problems with the url "youtube-nocookie.com" (regular "youtube.com" was no problem) ;) Nice videos/soundtracks btw!
    About music: Of course we will bring music into the game :) We will generally rework some sounds and add more variety.

    So the forum itself was the culprit!! haha ah well thanks for working that out! Yeah I wasn't able to paste those URL's either with the nocookie thing on it. Had to search for the video names...

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • This sounds awesome! Soon my greenhouse will have an actual USE. Haaa! I love where the guys are taking this game, and the updates seem to be much more enjoyable to anticipate than other games i have played.
    Simply hanging out on the forum, suggesting things and reading what others think is extremely exciting to me, and i think that the guys are giving us something very special by letting us have a say in what goes into this beautiful game.

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