Would these ideas fit into hell?

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  • 1- Skeletons-They come out of the lava, and attack the player with their hook hands.

    2- Demon worshippers/ evil cultists- They wear black hooded robes, and attack the player with scythes.

    3- Bloody Leech- It crawls along, and launches itself at the player, sucking a small chunk of life from them each time.

    4- Decomposing Imp- it limps along, and bites the player, when within range.

    5- chained horror- mummified in chains, they spin around, unchain themselves, then the grisly creature underneath screams at the player, hurting them. The initial spinning feature hurts too.

    6- mouth of madness- like a bear trap, this huge grimacing face lies in wait on the ground until the player comes within its range, then it spits out bones, which come together to form various horrific creatures.

    7- flapping nightmare- a demon head with wings for ears, it hunts the hells then spits bloody spores at its prey, which burns for a short time.

    8- Toad of torture- huge lazy creatures, who slowly jump towards the player. When within range, they open up their huge mouths, and screaming bodies reach out and attack the player with their bony hands, with a small chance to drag them inside...to die.

    9- Crazed butcher- Runs aimlessly around, laughing. When it spots the player, it goes crazy with its bloody carver.

    10- Putrid waste- A misshapen, stationary blob of...refuse...it stretches up in a ghostly face of torture, and spawns smaller versions of itself. Killing the putrid waste, spawns a random number of bloody leeches.

    I particularly like the toad of torture, but i would love to read what people think of these.
    I left out demons on purpose, because,well, they'll be there anyway won't they. haa

    I also had an alternative feature linked with the 'dragging inside the mouth' for the toad of torture. perhaps the mouth leads to another small room, where you have to fight off waves of horrific creatures, with a reward at the end. And the biggest reward in the game of course. Your life. haa!

  • 1- Skeletons-They come out of the lava, and attack the player with their hook hands.

    Not so much haha

    2- Demon worshippers/ evil cultists- They wear black hooded robes, and attack the player with scythes.

    A little cheesy for my taste.

    3- Bloody Leech- It crawls along, and launches itself at the player, sucking a small chunk of life from them each time.

    Or you might get one on you if you go in the water in swamps or wetlands, jungles... and they are a pain to get off. Slowly take health, very slowly.

    4- Decomposing Imp- it limps along, and bites the player, when within range.

    Too much like a zombie.

    5- chained horror- mummified in chains, they spin around, unchain themselves, then the grisly creature underneath screams at the player, hurting them. The initial spinning feature hurts too.

    Again, a bit too cheesy.

    6- mouth of madness- like a bear trap, this huge grimacing face lies in wait on the ground until the player comes within its range, then it spits out bones, which come together to form various horrific creatures.

    I just want placeable bear traps lol

    7- flapping nightmare- a demon head with wings for ears, it hunts the hells then spits bloody spores at its prey, which burns for a short time.

    No demons sorry.

    8- Toad of torture- huge lazy creatures, who slowly jump towards the player. When within range, they open up their huge mouths, and screaming bodies reach out and attack the player with their bony hands, with a small chance to drag them inside...to die.

    Why not just a huge toad which whips it's long tongue at you and can pull you towards it to eat you?

    9- Crazed butcher- Runs aimlessly around, laughing. When it spots the player, it goes crazy with its bloody carver.

    First boss of diablo 2? hehe

    10- Putrid waste- A misshapen, stationary blob of...refuse...it stretches up in a ghostly face of torture, and spawns smaller versions of itself. Killing the putrid waste, spawns a random number of bloody leeches.

    Some kind of putrid pool would be interesting, nothing smart though. Just really horrible if you fall into it etc.. disease etc..

    My 2 cents :P

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I'm now curious and wanting the flying entity type. Reminds me of all those Lilith entities I've seen in Anime, or in fancy drawings. Same in the "Devilman Lady" anime that's now ancient. If we can at least get that 'hybrid' entity into the game then that Hell biome shall be a fearsome place to be due to flight & how we could even suggest them to be possessive of entities for random amounts of time. It's up to them & Red. I also love that 'toad' entity that would pop out iwth a body then drag you in. That would spice things up also. Nice thoughts.

  • Thanks to you for taking all that effort to reply to every single one of these ArcticuKitsu. I appreciate that. I did originally think that the 'Crazy Butcher' idea was a little....normal.. for rising world, but put it in anyway. haa! Glad you like the Toad idea. i thought it sounded pretty fearsome too. I would love to see that one. Wait a minute..would i? Ha! I like the 10 second idea too. It adds a feel of urgency. Nice!

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