Just pottering around the house, adding a few bits and bobs.
I tried the Fishtank with the frosted glass, thinking that it would look a little...watery,but couldn't decide whether to just use plain glass, so stuck with plain, to stop myself chopping and changing all night. haaa!.
Decorative House Additions
- English
- ozzyjimbob
A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Super ideas
Nice really love the last one
Deirdre- Thanks loads! I just love the freedom in this game.
Meltron- My plates? Thanks! The table looked a little bare, then i thought....why the heck not..haaa! -
Loving the artistic and creative vibe. Something so simple going a long way with those drawings of yours heh.
Arcticukitsu- Thanks lots friend! I'm really enjoying seeing my drawings in the world. there's something both odd and lovely about it. haaa!
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