mobs and npc's

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • what about if you build a house you can let npc live in it :?:
    and have workers npc's to work in garden or schop trees
    and about monsters what about cat's or dog's and horses you can tame and ride on
    fun to explore the world on horse :thumbsup:
    and breading with cow and pig rabbit..... :thumbup:
    chikkens also and they give eggs you can eat or make food
    and towns with living npc maby trade options
    or if you want to build town give an area (areaprotection)to npc so he can build whatever he want
    and maybe you can choose what style the npc builds (don't know if this is possible :/ )
    and hope soon will be added new objects like different benche's and schelve's where you can put sommething on etc..... 8)

    other suggestions plz reply

  • This! I want this to be taken seriously by Red because it takes advantage of the vast world that would otherwise feel empty.

    1) I would love it if you could build shelters for NPCs, then flagging it or guiding an NPC villager to live there. Even wandering NPCs. It's something I'm trying to push Red into because it would help is game greatly. He's too shy and hesitant on this though.....
    2) If it's something simple like with Minecraft's "Littlemaids" mod (Never played with, yet wanted to), then I agree. If it's to tend with 'chore' type tasks, then yes. Anything to do with farming, cooking, or fishing. People shall have issues with mining.
    3) I would love it if you can tame cats, dog, horses, camel,s and even foxes. I really want to tame an animal companion being fox types. They should not warp to you in any manner........
    4) Exploring on horses & camels shall be the most fun. I love that :thumbup: Bonus if you add Mooses as ridable entities, even giving all three supply bags on the saddles.
    5) Breeding farm animals is something that I'm sure is planned. Have to wait on this. I agree.
    6) You know, I'm curious how chickens shall behave in Rising World. How are they going to pop out eggs, and similar. It's going to happen, yet curious how.
    7) I've also been trying to nudge Red into this strongly with him now considering NPC villages. For scenic it's something he's hesitant on. For server admin sie we've been giving 'NPC Traders' to place and customize once they're added in. Adding lively civilizations & settlements would be a great bonus to the game to the game, more so if you can trade with them in that 'supply & demand' manner. No economy, just item bartering.
    8) Auto-protection to NPCs eh? That's something that might have to be done through mods. It sounds neat though with me curious to see how and where the NPCs would build. Rimworld & 'Timber & Stone' being two games to use as inspiration.
    9) When we're given those ''Construction plans' to save our creations then the NPCs can use those as inspiration to build stuff with. Just selecting & choosing, even scanning the scenery to make things 'fit'. If they're coded to make use of the construction plan then they'll be fun to mess with. Granted, players go wild so structures won't meld with one another in appearance. I'm sure there is a way, if Red can give them defaults to work with in that RTS type manner.
    10) Would be neat :)


    From this, I strongly still want Red to consider adding living NPC settlements, NPC followers (just follow & do combat with; bonus being fishing and tedious tasks, that does not include mining), along with being able to assign the NPCs with their own home. Not building and they enter, but befriending and setting the structure you built for them.

    Having wandering adventurers, scavengers, and other sorts of NPCs to play with that wander the land would liven the world up. You're just exploring the world to stumble across a hungry camper next to a camp fire, or someone fishing. Random things like that would make the world a tiny bit more lively. Having neutral humans and humanoids would make the world feel more lively, but of course needing to be scaled with 1 per biome at a time. If it's too common then that makes it too populated. Fun trying to find balances :P . If we can befriend one, or some of these then I can happily populate my world. They don't have to do much from then on. I'll at the least expect them to just aimlessly wander around like other NPCs in other games. They would however have to tend to their food & water, thus needing their own set of supplies.

    I can already see this being nudged into 'Rimworld' with how you have to keep a steady stockpile. I wouldn't mind trying to keep both myself and others alive. I'm a farmer player. A hoarder, a builder.

    [My bit seems like a mod idea in the end, but I still want Red to explore it. I guess I should have fun with it in a mod in the way I enjoyed Skyrim's wandering NPCs. It's simply a waste of unlimited space not to take advantage of it.]

  • i think you must wait for it... it will be very difficult to code anything like a npc with KI etc... i hope it will be the next big project after the ore update :P

  • Ores being a pain to Red right now so that's what he's focusing on. The next being biomes, then maybe again hostiles or food...If I'm to expect NPCs of any kind then it would be in the 2016 or 2017...depending if updates are each month with a theme from the feature page on it.

    Biomes going to be next after this so I'm curious to know if it'll be two, or more. If it'll be forested (updated), plains, swampy, desert, and some lake biome. This one is going to be a real pain to add in because it'll nee to be updated constantly to add in every single fun biome known to mankind.

    (With that in mind, I'm still holding out hope that Red shall add in NPC comrades...Even 'pets'.)

  • Swampland FTW! haa! I really hope it's something like Diablo 3's swampy areas like the paths of the drowned area. It would be such an eerie and awesome place to live in. haa!

  • I imagine they'll do some transition biomes first, to link the current biome to the next one, so we'll probably have the forest transition biome next, then the next one after that, and so on.
    I don't expect, like, two or three biomes at once, because that, i imagine, would take an age in one sitting, and drive Red and the guys to tears. haa!

  • Sorry Red, just wanting to post something relevant to Rising World from Fallout 4 heh. This is in response to #2 & #7 above with NPC followers & traders.


    The Dog: Fans of Fallout 3 will recognize the benefits of having a Dog companion, as the wasteland is a lonely place at times. Revealed in the teaser trailer, the optional dog can follow orders, collect items, and even fight enemies!

    I underlined the important bits about how lonely these vast worlds can get without a companion. You're always on edge while fearing the eerieness and silence of the world. I was scared in Minecraft (same with my friends) that we had to buddy up when going in caves, or resort to digging in pure stone to get what we wanted. We spammed torches. I quit playing singleplayer and went into SMP because it was Chernobyl silence type spooky, and because more fun was to be had with other creative folks.

    Red51 did say we're getting some sort of NPCs in singleplayer so that's awesome. I guess I should assume they're simple ambient types? Bonus points if actual companion type NPCs. Just wanting to point out how important they are in these sorts of games with how much they can add. Having an NPC in these sort of worlds helps greatly with morale & productivity. Having them collect loose items, fighting, and just being present is awesome in the long run, even if it's as simple as what Red wants to do (basic ai by simple movement & fighting). That's fine. Just escorting you around (Skyrim style) goes a long way. I'll expect mods to take over the more complex parts of the AI. Having to build a shelter for them would also boost creativity to those that know how to have fun. That at least should be possible in vanilla, building homes for them.

    :thumbsup: I don't want to pressure Red, just showing him how important they are for these sort of games.

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