Character customization.

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  • How shall the Character cutomization go? 6

    The result is only visible to the participants.

    I was thinking about how the character customization will go, and i think that it should go to a poll, to see where the interests lie. I vote for all out imagination, so that Red and the folks can really open up this game and add a little bit of fun and intrigue to the realism. I don't want to destroy the realism, because that's awesome, but a little imagination would be a really awesome element.

  • I voted "A combination of real world items and fun items (such as animal ears, makeup, & etc)"-

    (Possible ramblings while explaining why I'm wanting this to be a major feature of 'fun'.)


    - TL;DR:

    I'm happy to hear that we'll be able to choose the gender of the characters, even preset options. That's fine. Even told by a buddy that we'll even be able to customize the hair. If true, that's awesome! I at least want to be able to customize my main NPC to wear anime-styled fuzzy fox ears (head/hat slot), a foxy tail at the bottom of the spine (belt slot), while having the option to have blue eyes. Having these 'fun items' would go a long way in bringing that fun. Basically the lady you see to the right in [this post] in the attached image being fairly important. This implying that I'm hoping the player & NPC Trader customization holds the same levels of customization.

    I'm basically seeking to highly customize my character as myself for once while also wanting great level of customization for these NPC Traders that I'm hoping can be nudged into NPC followers with basic AI combat. Being able to customize your character on the level of Skyrim, The Sims, and the other games I'm used to would go a long way. I enjoyed seeing how my friends expressed themselves in these games, more so with the odd items the game would reward you with.

    [Apologies for the long-winded post. Just making sure I put all my cards on the table before being ousted forcefully by real-world issues. :)]

  • I support customization as follows:

    - in cold biomes you should wear something to protect you from a cold and freezing,
    - in hot biomes you should wear something to protect you from overheating and dehydrating,
    - for the hellstone missions you should have fire and high temperature resistant clothing (asbestos clothing, ore, etc.)
    - in all other places you should wear casual clothes.
    All this should be craftable by the player...

    I am just too old to imagine myself with a bunny ears or a horse head. I would leave that to modders...

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