
The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • I've known people to spam it to non-existence. It's too much of a hassle when you get random trolls to ruin things. There's a few stalking Steam forums but they're being efficiently weeded out. My blog had one and it was spammed by stupid people. Same with a gaming site. If it's kept to profile statuses then people can talk slowly through that, or simply & more efficiently have these sorts of threads.

    It's because of the idiotic kids & trolls that we can't have nice things. We can have what you're asking for but it always comes back to us humans being pathetic & bored when trolling.

    It's a great idea, just that we humans are too stupid for such a simple & neat idea.

  • Could you use the 'offtopic' for free chat? It does say that you can add any stuff unrelated to RW in there, so go for it Friend. haa!

  • I have already had same idea with shoutbox, but I think unnecessary spamming is the problem.
    Whats the opposite of saying hello and talking about christmas presents (important for some people) or talking about things in Rising World or
    using shoutbox for advertisement?

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