Need help with a java error

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  • I was able to log into my server via local LAN until today. Now I can no longer access it from the machine it was running on and I am also getting the error in the code below. I was also never able to create a server I could connect to outside my local LAN. Any advice?

  • do you also have internet connection ? it says WARNING: Unable to authenticate Server! witch means 1 of two things the hive is down or you have no internet connection ? if you are unable to make your server live i would say you have not opened your ports in your adsl modem

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • I was having issues with connection. I have replaced modem now. I have never been able to have my server show in public servers list. I have followed every instruction there is on the forums but no success. I am taking a break from the game until biomes currently.

  • I have never been able to have my server show in public servers list

    You need to forward the ports in your router. If you want your server to appear in the serverlist, the http port (by default 4254) needs to be forwarded. Also make sure no firewall or antivirus program is blocking the server.

  • to have info on how to open ports on every type of modem is to much work for anyone not every setup is the same and also you might have a router that also has a fire wall so with all kinds of setups your not going to find 100% what you want but what we can say you need to open ports 4253 to 4259 up and down for your server to be open to the public thats the WAN network

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