Teleportation and other mods

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  • Hello All,

    I know there are not that many mods but I was wondering of there was any other mods hanging out some wheres? I have the World edit which isn't a mod per say but it does help with the game. I tried one TP but it does not seem to work. I use RCON which helps manage the server but there has to be others isn't there?


  • What are you looking for exacly? Apart from the regular teleport commands which are implemented in the game (e.g. "goto", "gethere"), you could basically create an own lua script which provides some teleport commands with fixed locations (e.g. if you have a town with a church, you could add a "/goto church" command to teleport you in front of the church etc) ;)

  • That would go along with my thread on a manual for the game... I had no idea there was TP in the game, I tried the set spawnpoint and either it did not do any thing or killed me... sooooo


  • Setting the spawnpoint should in no case kill you ;) But keep in mind that you have to type all "built-in" commands into console (open it with ^ or ´ or /, depending on your keyboard layout). In contrast, you type Lua commands (e.g. for WorldEdit) into chat, beginning with a "/"

  • Hmmmm But a person would have to know what those commands where in the first place.Such as ^help^ will bring up list of commands Or am I totally and complete missing something? Like a readme for the game?


  • yes we are all after commands but some of us know where to look heres some commands

    goto = setposition
    setpos = setposition
    savepos = saveposition
    setmark = saveposition
    mark = saveposition
    giveitem = give
    shout = yell
    globalmessage = yell
    tp = teleport
    tod = settime
    addadmin = makeadmin
    setadmin = makeadmin
    removeadmin = revokeadmin
    deleteadmin = revokeadmin
    unsetadmin = revokeadmin
    unmakeadmin = revokeadmin
    setspawn = setdefaultspawnposition
    setspawnposition = setdefaultspawnposition
    setdefaultspawn = setdefaultspawnposition
    setinventory = setdefaultspawninventory
    setspawninventory = setdefaultspawninventory
    getserverinformation = getserverinfo
    queryserver = getserverinfo
    queryserverinfo = getserverinfo
    queryserverinformation = getserverinfo
    serverinfo = getserverinfo
    getplayerinformation = getplayerinfo
    queryplayer = getplayerinfo
    queryplayerinfo = getplayerinfo
    queryplayerinformation = getplayerinfo
    playerinfo = getplayerinfo
    createnpc = spawnnpc
    quit = exit
    fps = showfps
    q = exit
    h = help

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited 2 times, last by yahgiggle ().

  • So Chevyman came on my server last night and I asked him about the Teleporting. He said I should just be able to do/tp the id number and there you are. It does not work. it does not work using people name. I downloaded a script to TP and it works as far as setting points but not people to people. Any thoughts?


  • i re coded the germen one to work on my server you need to do // not / with theres

    o yeah also admin tools has the /tp one but for areas you need the //tp one witch my one is /teleport lol do you want a copy ? anyway here

    teleport to save areas to teleport too

    /teleport id = to teleport to that area
    /teleportadmin set <teleport name> to save a teleport this saves the area where you stand as the teleport
    /teleport list lists the saved teleport areas in the database

    DownLoad link…achment/3690-teleport-7z/

    Admin Tools

    This has teleport to user and other things this was edited by me to only let admins tp users to them but lets any user teleport to any user

    /tp id or /tp username = teleport to user
    /tp2 id or /tp2 username = teleport user to you (admin only)
    /heal id or heal username = heal user (admin only)
    /ban id or /ban username = ban user note you need to enter a time limit and why, -1 = forever so its /ban id -1 for spamming (admin only)

    DownLoad link…ment/3691-Admin-Tools-7z/


    • teleport.7z

      (2.5 kB, downloaded 247 times, last: )
    • Admin_Tools.7z

      (152.39 kB, downloaded 239 times, last: )

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited 4 times, last by yahgiggle ().

  • I want to give a BIG shout out to Yahgiggle and Chevyman. As I mention before Chevyman came on to my server to see what was going on with the TP. He could not get IT going even after I gave him admin rights!! He said he would talk to Yahgiggle and see if he had any answers. Well Yahgiggle gave me his personal scripts he uses on his server (which I highly recommend) and let me use them on mine. Chevyman came by the next day and mention what he what thought of my server .( I blush at his adjectives:love:) and asked if things were going well. I told him I just got on and did not have time to set things up, well he had to go. THEN Yahgiggle came on to my server to personally check on things. He showed me some commands and others things to do in the game then, he had to go (probably to make texture for the dinosaurs :D ). OH I almost forgot Chevyman gave me a house that he built using finely detail work so I could learn from the Master Thank you Chevyman. I want to thank both Persons for taking the time out of their busy day to help some one they don't even know so I could enjoy the game THANK YOU


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