White Flashes while playing

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Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
  • Hello,

    At times, mostly at night I will get a quick white flash. While this would not bother most people. I get migraines and flashes is one of the triggers ;(. I have updated the drivers on my video card, running java 8,51. The total build on my machine is I5 3.4 ghz, 16 GBS ram,Nvidia GTX 760 video card. I am running windows 7 64 bits. I also have a 250 solid state drive so all in all a fairly fast build... I know some games you can put in advance commands in the running line to make it use more ram etc, is there anything like that?


  • When does the white flash occur? Does it happen while playing, or only when loading a world? In the latter case, it's indeed a known issue, it had a low priority previously, but we did not take into account that some people might get migraines from it :/ In that case we will fix it soon!

  • It happens when I play, mostly at night. It is worst when I fly. My Screen is at 1280 by 1024 any lower it goes off the screen... Now you got me curious Red what is it? I know a wee bit about computers and programming.. so you can tell me straight :P Will I ever be ever to play the game again. :D I have an old 386 I could play it on resoultion could be lower there.. Plays DOOM really well. :P .As always thanks for the quick replies you too Yahgigggle thanks for the suggestion..


  • It happens when I play, mostly at night. It is worst when I fly.

    Hmm then I'm unfortunately not aware of this issue 8| There can be a short "white flash" when loading is done, but I haven't seen a similar issue while playing yet. Can you eventually provide a video or something like that?

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