Server Erro
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When does this error occur exactly? It can have different causes, either it's a bug, or the server does not have full access to the harddrive, or the database file is in use by another process, or the worldfile is corrupted (especially when it happens always when starting the server for example).
Is it a big server (many players and/or a big world)? Then it's recommendable to use MySQL instead. -
it happens everytime we start the server.. but we have tried to start a fresh server and we get the same failure
Some time it comes when we Use the Chat
it happens everytime we start the server.. but we have tried to start a fresh server and we get the same failure
That means you also created a new world and the issue does still persists? Or did you use your old world?
Where do you host the server? On your local machine, or did your rent a gameserver/vserver/dedicated server? -
this looks to be database problem, there is a number of factors that can cause this, one of them is hard drive is about to fail die, have you been getting warnings lately of drive errors or windows saying anything about your drive and to back up data, been that you made a fresh copy i don't think the database would be too big to cause problems yet.
We host on a dedicated server.
we did a fresh install that includes a new world.
I wrote to our hosting comp. and they said that our harddrive was working fine.
We host on a dedicated server.
we did a fresh install that includes a new world.
I wrote to our hosting comp. and they said that our harddrive was working fine.
who hosts your server ? is it a host that's setup to host game servers from also could we see the error log, i ask about the host because some hosts will bottle neck your server if cpu goes over a set limit, i know you say its a dedicated but that means jack some hosts say things like we use dedicated servers witch is true but what tye don't tell you is that server hosts 100 other things oO, to get true dedicated server you have pay big money each month around 100 us dollars oO or host from your own server at home. if its not setup right and its a shared server then they can limit the bandwidth and cpu witch can cause database errors. this is one of the main reasons why i got into hosting my own servers.
ok [Dk/EU] Xstatic survial gaming this is the only server you have been on am i right ? the ip for this server is and it has port 4255 open if this is the case this server is from Germany the sever has a domain name of witch looks to be only a redirection to your server from the true host witch then leads to the Reseller: witch do hire out servers for less starting at around $28.99/month for a AMD Athlon™ X2 (Dual-Core, 2x 1.8 GHz) 4 GB DDR2 2x 320 GB SATA(5,400 rpm, 8MB) if this is what you guys have done then the problem maybe that the hardware cant keep up? for game servers its all about speed i would never run this game on that server. also i dont know what power costs over in Germany but that server here would cost about 29 dollars a month to run oO so i think they are bull craping you and in fact you are using what they call a dedicated shared server.
Backtrack much Yahgiggle?
I agree with Yahgiggle that will not run the game. It almost sounds like they are renting you a laptop...5400 rpm hard drive is is is well just sad.... Not sure if I can "advertise but the place I rent from does pretty good for me. If you are interested PM me.
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