Request: sounds, "hitting" players, changing gamemode using /commands

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  • wakeup players
    I am not after playing custom sounds.
    It would be enough to "wake" players up to let them watch the chat :D
    A jingle played using the piano sounds would be awesome.
    Like "Tadaaaa.." Server restart is imminent ;)

    Punching players.. to wake them up
    Like hitting them using scripts to produce the punch "ouch" sound.
    Even the moaning stomach will be fine to get their attention
    Question.. what would be the proper command to produce an "impact" on a given player?

    SETGAMETYPE changes of other players without being able to open the console
    Some players reported they were unable to open the console(for using setgametype 1).
    Must be strange laptops.. -.-

    Even with hints like \ or PIPE+\ or those key below the ESC key.. nothing helped.
    Is there a command in lua like target.player.setgamemode=1 or so?
    Then i could add a command like /sgm <player> 1 ..

    Even better.. if the wiki would be accessible to all of us.. and if there would be a link to all the possible "lua-commands" like get.player.pos (or whatever).

  • on windows you use the ~ or ` key next to the one on Mac you use the \ or | key that will open the command center where they can enter setgametype 1 some players even report to me that there computers dont have F keys haha most of them are Mac users oO lol if you think you dont have f keys well thats Wrong you do everyone has them its just that some computers =Macs and some laptops!!! you need to hold down Fn key when you hit them oO yep that simple.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Yes, if I was one of those poor people(with special keyboards -.-) I would get a "spare" keyboard attached.. and even if it is for just this one purpose :)

    But nevertheless.. some people would like to use the creative mode.. and if they are dum* err.. not able to find the proper keystrokes on their machines..
    I would really like to use a "straight" command to change their gamemode for them.
    If i found a solution using scripts(have FINALLY found a 0.5.3 API ) I will show it up here.

  • i have not meet anyone yet that cant open the command center so i dont see the point in a script like this even if it can be done ;-D

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Well, then some of them gathered on my server, btw. they are great in building nice stuff.. but technically using the console seems to be too complicated for SOME of them.
    On the other hand.. i am really not able to build nice houses like them :(

    [edit] added the bolded text..

  • if they cant work out how to push `~ \ or | then type setgametype 1 what makes you think they can work out how to type a command into chat lol don't wast your talent and time on this that's my opinion anyway.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Thank you yahgiggle for your kind words but that was not due to talent, that was luck or coincidence to get some things working while experimenting with those lua script files..

    Maybe my "wish" for this command does not seems of any practically use for you now but I am still looking ;)

  • wakeup players

    Sounds which are callable from the scripting API are planned :) In the future, it's also our intention to play custom sounds.

    Punching players.. to wake them up

    Basically the same as the "slap" function in the rcon tool? Maybe that's not a bad idea, we will add it ;)

    SETGAMETYPE changes of other players without being able to open the console

    Currently that's unfortunately not possible, but also on our todo list^^

  • Sounds which are callable from the scripting API are planned :) In the future, it's also our intention to play custom sounds.

    Basically the same as the "slap" function in the rcon tool? Maybe that's not a bad idea, we will add it ;)

    Currently that's unfortunately not possible, but also on our todo list^^

    Custom sounds
    If we someday would be able to add new.. tools the addition of server side sounds.. would be nice(not easy to implement as the sound file has to be transmitted to the clients..)
    For the moment I would be very pleased if we could get access to play sounds(already given in the game, serverside) at the targeted player position.

    SLAP command
    Thank you, you really saved my day!
    (I knew I had used this command SOMEWHERE but I was unable to remember where. Im not insane, at least not YET ;) )

    changing gamemode ingame
    Again thank you.. i was just looking around in the code to find something to get this done..
    Your information stops me spending time ;)

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