Does somebody know the console command for mithril, orachalium vor javanium?
Console command for mithril/...
- Galveston01
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Silly question, why? You cannot use it right now. Unless you know how to use it...
If you look here there is a lot of good commands.
Some commands to spawn objects -
I know this guide and I also made a German one myself, but you can't find those commands anywhere. I have got a list with items you can't allready use in my guide.
Unfortunately you can't get those ores via command right now. You should be able to get mithril ore at least by using the variation id "-108", but that seems to be blocked accidentally (will be changed with the next update).
Javanium and orichalcum ore are not in the game yet, so you can only get the ingots by using the commands "item javaniumingot 1" and "item orichalcumingot 1" -
Okay thanks then I will add mithril ore after next update
So I still don't know what you are going to do with it?
I will add it to my guide of all items in RW to its 'not yet released"-category
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