Why Java?

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  • May I ask why you are deciding to move to Java rather than keeping LUA? I was really excited last night when me and my friends bought Rising World and found out we could script in LUA(Because it is a language I am fluent in), to then find out earlier everything is being moved to Java, which I have no experience with.


  • Well, it's mainly due to performance reasons. On the one hand, we have to transform every single object into a lua object when calling a lua function or event, if the stick to Java, we can just "pass-through" the existing objects. We also have more options when it comes to multithreading (currently some events are a real bottleneck).
    On the other hand, a Java API would be closer to "modding", in other words, there would be a "smooth transition" between the scripting (or "plugin") API and real mods. With the Java API, you get more control over the game (especially when clientside scripts will be possible in the future, you can also directly access our gui, for example).

    But if you have experience with Lua, it won't be that difficult to switch to Java instead :) There are mostly just some minor syntactic differences

  • May I ask why you are deciding to move to Java rather than keeping LUA? I was really excited last night when me and my friends bought Rising World and found out we could script in LUA(Because it is a language I am fluent in), to then find out earlier everything is being moved to Java, which I have no experience with.


    when coding if you know one your pick up the other very fast as they are all much the same just wait till it comes and next thing you know your be skilled in lua and java lol but yeah reds right this will open up so much more for us all in the end this is the right thing todo

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • when coding if you know one your pick up the other very fast as they are all much the same just wait till it comes and next thing you know your be skilled in lua and java lol but yeah reds right this will open up so much more for us all in the end this is the right thing todo

    That's true mate, fair point. Lets just wait and see. :P

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