["Too Soon" Modding Thoughts] - Hardpoints, Mecha Legs. & Other Thoughts.....

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  • I'm just getting ahead of myself again while being hyped for the potential of Rising World. Just hoping to come across Star Wars, KanColle, & mecha mods if we can get the right compatibility going, more so in seriousness when the came hits a more complete state. I'm continuously analyzing the game hoping to see appropriate points I could see mods pushing their way in, modders willing.

    • War Boat hard-points: Basically something along the lines of moving turrets on their joints. Think both patrol boats with the mini turrets on them up to battleship sized turrets for the modding side of things. I'm curious how these would fair when trying to add them to the multiplayer side of things. Being able to shoot, move them independently, and etc. Granted, Rising World isn't about naval combat yet modding is free game for allowing actual naval combat from whatever era (WW2 mostly) by allowing hostile naval units into the mix. Even a simple pirate ship of colonial era would go a long way in forcing people to adapt on the high seas.
    • Mecha Movement [Legs]: This one has me worried because Rising World currently isn't AT-AT (Star Wars), nor Anime mecha friendly. Thinking of how a realistically moving & acting AT-AT, AT-ST, and all those sorts would behave in a world such as this. Any oddities would quickly ruin the fun. The second part to this thought would be allowing mechas to behave somewhat realistically without spazzing out. Just worried about the whole kneeling, standing, damaged, and all sorts of such from both a 'Mechwarrior' & avatar to things like Gundam, Macross, & Aldnoah.Zero. I've been itching for a Gundam Wing open-world game for nearly two decades now that it's outright idiotic for none to have been made by now. Just simply desiring myself building a Gundam, using it to combat other mechas, and to repair & upgrade it to then continue the fun. [Space Engineers may be my best bet, as with Empyrion, yet nobody took the bait because it's all parts building that easily gets ruined when you want to add mechs into the mix.]
    • +18 Immersions: I'm not going to lie. I want to see a tasteful & classy 'nudity' mod, yet nothing grotesque as on Skyrim mod. Something more along the lines of 'Defeat', or the '0Sex' of Immersion mods with it all being 'consensual', or at least 'normal' or 'immersive in some way. Ya, it's stupid right now but there are times where nudity is 'Just normal', or it used to be in Europe when I was there back in 2003 (2008 still had topless beaches) that I'm constantly facepalming when people refuse nudity because other people have to ruin things for other people. I'm unsure how pampered & sheltered the European society is now, yet wouldn't mind seeing a casual 'nudity' mod, if Red51 wills it.
    • KanColle: Ya, I'm trying to push for a KanColle mod (Japanese warships in humanoid female form) because there's only so much you can do with card art form. Rather see them in person doing combat with the enemies they see in the actual world. This mod is basically waiting on three things 1) Skilled Japanese modders - 2) Water biomes in all forms - 3) Game being considered 'complete'. This also cycles back to the first bullet point of me desiring to nudge a skilled modder to add in some combat boats into the game for that oddly missing naval combat stuff that only European & Japanese game developers are able to do properly. Think Silent Hunter 3 & the recent 'World of Warships' for actual boat combat.

    I'm worrying too much because there are also game developers not really hitting on people's desires & sweet spots. I'm wishing the modding community for this shall be strong to also fill any gaps of missing open-world naval combat, mecha sims, and just be something you can mess about with in either single or multiplayer. Even stupidly saying this prematurely in hopes that Red51 or modders would somehow 'anticipate', or "think ahead" in their coding in one manner or another.

    [Thoughts may be rehashed, yet now finally in a place it belongs to sit & wither away with time.]

  • I like the idea of being able to build a mech.. I doubt it would ever be part of the official release but perhaps the ability to add custom creatures would be nice. All the mechanics are probably in the game already since we already have animals but its a matter of the developers exposing parts of the API and providing toolkits for adding custom creatures. Then a modder can come up with a model and bone rigging. Then its a matter of adding a buildable surface on top where the normal blocks can be added onto.

    Would KanColle be any kind of giant transformer? Like Optimus Prime, or MegaMaid from Spaceballs?

    I'm all for the "nudity" but I doubt it will be official. However, the ability to customize your character's skin and clothing should be possible eventually There are slots in Rising World already for armor so I'm sure a skinning system is in the works but is low priority, this includes eventually getting a female character. As a furry, I'd like to customize my skin (fur) colors , replace my head with a fox head and add a tail. I really like the kind of furry character mods that have been done in Second Life and would love to see that kind of flexibility added to Rising World.

    Same with the lighting and night sky which are my biggest pieves about Rising World right now. I want a high-resolution night sky and I want evenings to be nearly pitch black (like in The Forest and ARK). I believe Red mentioned that he liked the night-time lighting levels as is and that's fine but again, its all about exposing an API to modders in order to make modifications desired. I'm sure we will get there eventually. Lets worry about water first :)

  • Ya, I doubt it also. At the least, I would expect some kind of mecha toy that modders could make use of fully. At least some kind of toy that could articulate, or be simulated in a game fashion, or something. It would open up two-three doors for modding in the US zone (Transformers & Star Wars) + Japanese side (Gundam & Macross). I'd even add in Busou SHinki in the Japanese mark that I wanted in Minecraft, yet have to now move over to Rising World for it being suited better for that idea.

    KanColle would literally be ships turned into girls with ship parts attached onto them. It's quite neat on the web game with how you collect cards. Google search + digging deeper when you want to learn more about their history after hearing their pre-recorded lines in the game. Even stumbling across others that were in the war & such. It's thanks to this game that I was able to learn more about WW2 history, about the Canadian navy, hidden & forgotten units, among others. As odd as it may seem, it does make you curious to learn more. I'm also trying to poke an 'RCN KanColle' mod into the mix once Red51 adds in biomes + Water + Customization & most importantly 'NPC Traders', or NPC followers. I'd prefer NPC followers themselves. I'd also happily welcome WW2 vessels on their own. [RCN KanColle thread]

    I also doubt nudity would be part of the official, more so because Red51 said he won't officially support it because of ratings & such. He wants to keep Rising World mature, if family friendly. All for kids & adults at same time. This is why I'm expecting it to be more of a mod thing, if Red51 makes the character models be overly visually appealing. If not, then I'd probably expect Skyrim mods to be carried over into this game once it gains a 'louder' & 'bigger' following hmm. Keep in mind that I don't want one for the sake of it, just that I prefer keeping things 'classy' while keeping away from anything 'rapey'. I only want 'immersion' type mods. I walk away from futa type mods & anything brutal.

    Character's (colour; whole palette) skin, clothing customization/options, skinning dead animals, + both genders is a big thing for Rising World. I'm also a furry, yet in a more 'classy' manner [preferring Ahri type characters]. Has to be good quality for me to respect them. I'll make myself be male & such, yet would love to instead customize the NPCs to have one be my foxy arctic fox mascot being all white with blue eyes. I want to finally be a male in a game I play with character options to match. With Rising World & with Red51 being open-minded I'm hoping I can nudge Red51 into the right direction of being open to everything, including customization options for both genders & NPCs being your comrades + customizable. There's of course lots to do, yet I can be happily patient waiting for them to be added in. Mods shall bring everything else with it. Red51 should still however take a very strong peak & look at 'Phantasy Star Online 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, & Illusion games I mentioned for the proper character customization (even if i did curse at Xenoblade's limited character creation option). He'd benefit greatly for taking their detailed character creation route that people shall jump into Rising World purely for character creation to then build around their characters. :thumbsup:

    We'll eventually get a lovely night sky & such. Silent Hunter 3 had real constellations that others spotted & I somehow missed. I'm sure Rising World shall reach & surpass this line nicely. I truly hope that Rising World also reaches the bar set by Wurm: Unlimited with how the fog roles in, or how in Euro Truck Simulator 2 it rains & thunders realistically. It should be sweet when we reach that point in the game stage.


    Back to modding though, I strongly hope I can happily add in KanColle units (fan-made) + Busou SHinki stuff. The game is awesome on its own while also having the potential to host both Busou Shinki & KanCOlle mods. It's highly unlikely I'll see them, yet be awesome if I and others could get them in. Star Wars, Gundam & the rest I'll leave to the more experienced modders while hoping I can make use of the NPC Traders & NPC options of their own. I need the community & Red51's help to make the two mods I seek possible.

    Forgotten thoughts behind spoiler:

    There's just so much I can think of for modding in Rising World that i'm driving myself crazy. More so when you also make note of the vanilla stuff that would nudge the modding, and the added frustration of being unable to mod such into the game. I hate not being able to draw or mod whatever I want. I always have to rely on others, even when I did try to draw & mod. :S

    (Edit; I do keep bringing up Red51 with that only being I'm relying on both Red51 to add in the main features for modders to then build off of that. Relying on both equally.)

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