Comments about the Multiplayer servers

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  • I had the chance to explore a number of servers in multiplayer this week. I was impressed with the number of great builds I was seeing and the hard work that went into a lot of these worlds.
    I also got to see the darker side of things. Most of the server admins I ran into were great and helpful and others, well they were just jerks. This is bound to happen as some people just want to to be that way. It is their server to run as they see fit.

    I do not build in multiplayer. Why ? We do not even have water or all of the biomes yet. The world is going to change over and over for the foreseeable future. I save all of my building for my own private single player world where I can create anything with the creative mode. I noticed most of the servers have creative mode and terraforming turned off. So be it. At this point in time I consider all data temporary as Rising world is going to go through massive changes and most people are going to have to start over anyway. This should all be considered as a preview to the real thing later this year or next. Rising world's development is a low and slow process. It will take a while before everything is done. The good thing about this is that it is more stable that way.

    I also noticed a lot of the servers have blueprints turned off. That really is a shame.

    Anyhow for now, I treat multiplayer as a place to visit, not a place to build a dream place only to have it disappear because a server operator gets bored or does not want to bother with it anymore. In multiplayer you have only the control an admin chooses to give you and you only have access as long as the server stays up. If you want to build that dream world, I prefer my own private world where I have total control of what happens.

    I do think some of the bigger multi player worlds are great and I really enjoy visiting them.

  • I have to agree strongly with you strongly on all your points made.

    There's always a good side to see things, as with the horrible side. Everything is indeed temporary until biomes & water settles in. A good year or two & the game shall be settle in (or so Red51 mentioned) that both singleplayer & multiplayer shall be also fun. Your experiences also echoes the kind of experiences I had to tend with in the Minecraft community with there being awesome (if boring servers; Lacking places to build) & the horrid ones (being treated like shit & being framed for other people's hostile actions) that one tends to hide in singleplayer & private servers. The experiences are going to be similar, and so far I'm hearing that they are in both a good & bad light. You're simply seeing how humanity has been raised & how much attention each person has gained in their life. If you've been on a 'jerk' server then you've seen someone whom gained lacking love while seeking some parental or loved ones' affection. It gets highly awkward :/

    I also prefer building in survival multiplayer (pure survival) because once I play creative the whole "meat" & "spices" of the game is lost. It loses its flavor, its meaning, and it just becomes a watered down mess that one has to play survival. It's also been known that people who stick to only creative tend to whine lots (or so I've seen enmass) that it invalidates their opinions when they claim the game they play is "boring", when they failed to play survival; The rest of the game. Adding when you play survival multiplayer the fun even gets boosted because you're able to survive with your friend, stockpile food, stockpile resources, and just give one another a helping hand. This is where having NPC followers/comrades comes into play also. This is where having NPCs to help you out when you're still seeking out a proper server comes in.

    I prefer hiding in my private server(s) I host because I get to filter who gets in & who stays out. People even threw tantrums at me when they asked to come in when they were banned on other servers for being trolls. I can happily play with my buddies while not having to worry about all the trolling & items being stolen. I can have my items laying around my settlements without them being stolen by griefers & kids lacking their parental affections. Here's to hoping that when Rising World does gain the remaining biomes & water that I can happily add in the friendly regulars from this forum into my private server without trouble. They seemed kind enough, if MIA again. Great thing about blueprints being you can hole up in singleplayer to then bring it over to your private server, or a server that finally opened up to having blueprints. It all possibly depends on it being survival built, or whatever. Best to ask why they haven't enabled blueprints yet.

    Ya, just like with aging wine one must still have to wait a long while until one can play this game properly. Everything is still being updated, yet one overly tantrumy guy on Steam couldn't get that through his little trolling noggin. Constantly kept whining & moaning. Multiplayer shall still be a touchy zone until this game settles down. More so with the mods that are possibly waiting for all the updates to be added. There's so much to add that everything you build should be indeed considered temporary & experimental until this game is considered 'complete', if still possibly being updated with other requested features or dev-side thoughts.

    It has great potential & more control behind it.

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